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An evaluation of multi-annual management strategies for ICES roundfish stocks ArchiMer
Kell, L; Pilling, G; Kirkwood, G; Pastoors, M; Mesnil, Benoit; Korsbrekke, K; Abaunza, P; Aps, R; Biseau, Alain; Kunzlik, P; Needle, C; Roel, B; Ulrich, Clara.
Current scientific management objectives for ICES roundfish stocks are to ensure conservation of the biological resource and do not explicitly consider economic or social objectives. For example, there are currently no objectives to maximize the sustainable yield or to reduce variability in total allowable catches (TACs). This is despite the fact that the current system can result in wide annual fluctuations in TAC, limiting the ability of the fishing industry to plan for the future. Therefore, this study evaluated management strategies that stabilized catches by setting bounds on the interannual variability in TACs. An integrated modelling framework was used, which simulated both the real and observed systems and the interactions between system...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Whiting; TAC; Simulation; Saithe; Population modelling; North Sea; Management; Limiting variations; Harvest strategies; Hake; Haddock; Evaluation; Cod; Bounds.
Ano: 2006 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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