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The role of broadband developments financed from EU Structural Funds in the enhancement of regional cohesion in the NMS-10 AgEcon
Feko, Adrienn; Sass, Magdolna; Nagy, Gabor.
This paper examines if broadband Internet access (‘broadband’) developments enhance regional cohesion in ten New Member States (NMS-10) of the European Union. It focuses on broadband developments in these countries financed from Structural Funds (SF). The importance of their impacts is potential, but not automatic. The topic is well established theoretically, versus business. There is no conclusive evidence yet empirically. Broadband is perceived here as an essential part of ICT, enabling the spread and use of ICT. The paper analyses (1) the regional dimension of broadband access in the NMS-10, (2) the recognition of broadband-cohesion links by NMS-10 governments, and (3) the priority given to broadband in SF spending. The impact of broadband developments...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Cohesion Policy; Broadband Internet access; ICT; Structural Funds; EU Member States; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Rural Broadband Internet Access Supply and Demand AgEcon
Stenberg, Peter L.; Morehart, Mitchell J..
Internet use has grown rapidly over the last 15 years and so has its integration into the rural economy. Connecting to the Internet via high-speed technology such as DSL lines, cable, satellite, and wireless networks increases bandwidth and makes the Internet much more useful to businesses, households, and governments. Rural households are almost as likely as urban households to use the Internet. Broadband Internet access in rural areas has been less prevalent than in much more densely populated areas of the country. Evidence suggests that the difference may lie in the higher cost or less availability of broadband Internet access in rural areas. The paucity of national geographically-specific data, however, presents a challenge in trying to analyze...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Broadband Internet access; Rural communities; Farm communities; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; O33; R0.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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