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Rôle du plancton dans le cycle biogéochimique du cadmium et du vanadium en baie de Seine orientale : premiers résultats ArchiMer
Miramand, P; Bentley, D; Guary, Jc; Brylinski, Jm.
Cd and V were analyzed in planktonic species (zooplankton and diatoms), in flocks and in total seston (suspended materials) collected at eleven stations for seven sampling periods in the eastern area of the bay of Seine. Cd concentrations measured in planktonic species of the bay of Seine are identical to those measured in other oceanic areas, but V concentrations are generally higher. In the conditions of sampling, the role of both planktonic species and flocks in the horizontal fluxes of Cd and V in the bay of Seine appears not to be important (Cd) or negligible (V) compared to non-living materials (tripton). Nevertheless, this study should be continued in periods of diatom blooms. Flocks which present high Cd and V concentration probably have an...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PLANKTON; CD; V; BAY OF SEINE.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Antigen-presenting cells transfected with Hsp65 messenger RNA fail to treat experimental tuberculosis BJMBR
Rocha,C.D.; Trombone,A.P.F.; Lorenzi,J.C.C.; Almeida,L.P.; Gembre,A.F.; Padilha,E.; Ramos,S.G.; Silva,C.L.; Coelho-Castelo,A.A.M..
In the last several years, the use of dendritic cells has been studied as a therapeutic strategy against tumors. Dendritic cells can be pulsed with peptides or full-length protein, or they can be transfected with DNA or RNA. However, comparative studies suggest that transfecting dendritic cells with messenger RNA (mRNA) is superior to other antigen-loading techniques in generating immunocompetent dendritic cells. In the present study, we evaluated a new therapeutic strategy to fight tuberculosis using dendritic cells and macrophages transfected with Hsp65 mRNA. First, we demonstrated that antigen-presenting cells transfected with Hsp65 mRNA exhibit a higher level of expression of co-stimulatory molecules, suggesting that Hsp65 mRNA has immunostimulatory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Therapeutic immunization; CD; MHSP65; DNA vaccine; APCs.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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