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Analyse quantitative et qualitative des captures de tourteaux Cancer pagurus par la flottille de Manche-ouest ArchiMer
Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon.
French potters from « Manche ouest » harbours ish edible crab Cancer pagurus in English Channel, Iroise Sea and along north Biscay Bay shelf. Monthly landings of the offshore fleet analysed from logbooks for the period 1985-1987 indicate changes in fishing areas. The mean length of males, the mean length of females and the sex-ratio have been analysed by Principal Component Analysis in 1981-1987 samples. The heterogeneity between catches from different statistical rectangle (30 x 40 nautical miles) was great enough to deduce a way of raising composition from samples to total landings. It also offers the possibility to verifiy and correct declaration on geographical origin of landings.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biscay Bay; Catch composition; France; Western Channel; Sampling; Iroise; Edible crab; Cancer Pagurus; Fishing; Golfe de Gascogne; Iroise; Manche; Echantillonnage; Composition des captures; Tourteau.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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