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Notes on Cordulegaster Leach, and Neallogaster Cowley, from China, and the identity of Anotogaster annandalei Fraser (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae) Naturalis
Pelt, G.J. van.
A translation of the Chinese description of a female of Neallogaster annandalei (Fraser, 1923), by Zhou (1988) is given and compared with the original description of Anotogaster annandalei. It is concluded that this species should be included in the genus Cordulegaster. A translation of the original Chinese descriptions of Cordulegaster jinensis Zhu & Han, 1992, and Neallogaster choui Yang & Li, 1994, is presented. It is suggested that the two species are conspecific. Material of "Cordulegaster luniferous var. annandalei Klots, 1947" from Yunnan is identified as Neallogaster latifrons Selys, 1878 (?), by which the presence of Neallogaster in China is confirmed.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cordulegastridae; Anisoptera; Odonata; East Palaearctic; China; Fraser; Klots; 42.75.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Notes on some Chinese and Himalayan Cordulegastridae (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera) Naturalis
Pelt, G.J. van.
East Palaearctic Cordulegastridae from the former Lieftinck collection are identified. Two Neallogaster species are described and figured. Neallogaster is supposed to consist of two speciesgroups. Cordulegaster lunifera and C. pekinensis are redescribed and figured. A single female from Central China belongs to C. jinensis. It is assumed that these three Cordulegaster species belong to a separate supraspecific taxon. A single male Cordulegaster from 'Tsingtau" is not conspecific with other cordulegastrids known from China; it resembles the European C. boltonii and will be described as a new species in a revision of the C. boltonii species-group. It is emphasized that the cordulegastrid fauna of the East Palaearctic is still insufficiently known.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cordulegastridae; Anisoptera; Odonata; East Palaearctic; China; Himalaya; Lieftinck; 42.75.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Further notes on Chinese Cordulegastridae (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera) Naturalis
Pelt, G.J. van.
After the description of new species of Cordulegastridae from China by Zhou (1988) and Zhu & Han (1992), additional specimens have been described by van Pelt (1993) and Lohmann (1993). In this paper additional material of Anotogaster cornutifrons Lohmann, 1993, is reported upon. Neallogaster lieftincki Lohmann, 1993, is synonymized with Cordulegaster jinensis Zhu & Han, 1992. Some further comments are made on Lohmann's paper. A single male from Tsingtau (Ch'ing-tao, Shantung, NE China) is described as Cordulegaster (mentalis spec. nov., being the sole representative of the C. boltonii (Donovan, 1807) species-group in the East Palaearctic.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Cordulegastridae; Anisoptera; Odonata; East Palaearctic; China; Lieftinck; 42.75.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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