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Fumonisins in corn: correlation with Fusarium sp. count, damaged kernels, protein and lipid content BABT
Ono,Elisabete Yurie Sataque; Biazon,Luciana; Silva,Marcelo da; Vizoni,Édio; Sugiura,Yoshitsugu; Ueno,Yoshio; Hirooka,Elisa Yoko.
Natural fungal and fumonisin contamination were evaluated in 109 freshly harvested corn samples from Paraná State and correlated to damaged kernels (%). In addition, healthy and damaged kernels of 24 corn samples were selected in order to compare the mycoflora profile and fumonisin levels. The correlation among protein/lipid content and fumonisin levels was also analyzed in the 15 most frequently cultivated corn hybrids. Total fungal colony count in 109 freshly harvested corn samples ranged from 1.9x10(4) to 3.5x10(6) CFU/g, Fusarium sp. count from 1.0x10³ to 2.2x10(6) CFU/g, and fumonisin levels from 0.13 to 20.38 µg/g. Total fungal colony/Fusarium sp. count and fumonisin levels showed positive correlation (p < 0.05). In addition, there was a positive...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mycoflora; Toxigenic fungi; Mycotoxins; Fumonisins; Corn quality.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Utilization of Different Corn Fractions by Broilers Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Costa,SIFR; Stringhini,JH; Ribeiro,AML; Pontalti,G; MacManus,C.
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional values of fractions of damaged corn. One hundred and eighty 22-d-old Cobb 500 male broilers were distributed in batteries according to a completely randomized design with six treatments of six replicates each. The treatments consisted of diets containing five corn fractions, classified as sound, fermented, insect-damaged, mold-damaged, or reference corn. The test diets consisted of 60% of reference diet + 40% of each corn fraction. Only the reference corn fraction included all the fractions at different proportions (0.8% fermented, 0.05% insect-damaged, 3.3% mold-damaged, and 95.85% sound grains). The method of total excreta collection was used to determine AMEn values and metabolizability...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Corn quality; Corn density; Metabolizable energy; Broilers..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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การใช้สารเคมีป้องกันและกำจัดสารพิษแอฟลาทอกซินในข้าวโพด Thai Agricultural
1 table
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Aflatoxins; Corn quality; ข้าวโพด; อะฟลาทอกซิน; สารเคมีกำจัดเชื้อรา; คุณภาพ.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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การผสมพันธุ์และการปรับปรุงพันธุ์ข้าวโพดหวาน และ การผสมพันธุ์และการปรับปรุงพันธุ์ข้าวโพดฝักอ่อน Thai Agricultural
9 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Breeding; Sweet corn; Baby corn; Fresh ear corn; Corn quality; ข้าวโพด; ข้าวโพดหวาน; ข้าวโพดฝักอ่อน; การปรับปรุงพันธุ์; ผลผลิต; คุณภาพ.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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การปรับปรุงพันธุ์ข้าวโพด Thai Agricultural
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Breeding; Corn yields; Corn quality; ข้าวโพด; การปรับปรุงพันธุ์.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Breeding and genetics for the improvement of yield and quality of corn Thai Agricultural
Chamnan Chutkaew; Sansern Jampatong; Chokechai Aekatasanawan; Anna Saimaneerat; Orakit Prasertkit; Chatpong Balla; Yaudchai Petratanagool.
53 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Breeding; Corn yields; Corn quality; ข้าวโพด; การปรับปรุงพันธุ์; ผลผลิต; คุณภาพ.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Vegetable corn breeding Thai Agricultural
Prawit Puddhanon; Penkae Nattribhop; Suvit Punsurintr; Sumitra Pinthongkum; Vichit Kajornmalee.
5 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Breeding; Sweet corn; Baby corn; Fresh ear corn; Corn quality; ข้าวโพดหวาน; ข้าวโพดฝักอ่อน; การปรับปรุงพันธุ์; ผลผลิต; คุณภาพ.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Effect of extended field drying on quality of Thai maize Thai Agricultural
Supot Faungfupong; Nagler, Martin J.; Pipat Weerathaworn; Rungnapa Tangadulratana; Nagler, C.; Wong-Urai, A.; Tonboon-Ek, P.; Buangsuwan, D..
2 tables
Palavras-chave: Corn; Maize; Corn quality; Corn drying period; ข้าวโพด; การเก็บเกี่ยว; ผลผลิต; คุณภาพ.
Ano: 1986 URL:
Registros recuperados: 8
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