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Etude de la variabilité de la circulation du gyre subpolaire de l'Atlantique Nord à partir des données Ovide et de mesures satellitaires ArchiMer
Gourcuff, Claire.
The cyclonic circulation of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre, between 50°N and 63°N, plays a key role in the climate variability. The Ovide program contributes to the observation of the circulation in this region. A section is repeated every two years in summer since 2002 between Greenland and Portugal following a path close the Fourex 1997 section. To get transport estimates across the sections, a geostrophic box inverse model is used, constrained with direct current measurements. Our new estimates of Fourex transports show the need to use constraints temporally associated with the section to get transports estimates representative of the circulation at the section realisation dates. It is also shown that altimetry velocities can be used instead of ADCP...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Inverse Model; Courantology; Geostrophy; Altimetry; East Greenland Coastal Current; Freshwater fluxes; Heat transport; Meridionnal Overturning Circulation (MOC); Variability; North Atlantic; Subpolar gyre; Ovide; Modèle inverse; Géostrophie; Courantométrie; Altimétrie; Courant Côtier Est Groenlandais; Flux d'eau douce; Transport de chaleur; Circulation Méridienne de Retournement (MOC); Variabilité; Atlantique Nord; Gyre subpolaire; Ovide.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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