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Water needs and equivalence relations for different irrigated crops in the São Francisco basin 124
Silva,Felipe Bernardes; Pereira,Silvio Bueno; Martinez,Mauro Aparecido; Silva,Demetrius David da; Vieira,Nayara Paula Andrade.
ABSTRACT The present work was performed by applying the principal component analysis, in order to compare the water needs of banana, mango, grape, sugarcane, maize and beans crops in different regions of the São Francisco river basin, aiming to identify the climate elements that most influence the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) in the locations of Pirapora-MG, Jaíba-MG, Barreiras-BA and Petrolina-PE. In addition, the locations with more similarities, according to the evaluated parameters, were verified by applying cluster analysis, and the equivalence relations between the studied crops were determined by integrating the parameters related to the climatic elements and the characteristics of crops and soils. Based on the principal components analysis,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Irrigated agriculture; Crop water balance; Climatic parameters; Evapotranspiration.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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