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Koo, Won W.; Taylor, Richard D.; Duncan, Marvin R..
Net farm income for all representative farms except small size and low profit farms in 2007 will be higher than in 1998. Net farm income for small and low profit farms will remain the same and decrease, respectively, for the forecasting period. Cropland prices are projected to fall in all regions of North Dakota after having peaked in 1997. Cash rental rates are projected to follow cropland prices. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms fall across the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low profit and small size farms are higher than those for large and high profit farms.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Production Economics.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Koo, Won W.; Taylor, Richard D.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for most representative farms in 2011 will be lower than in 2002. Low profit farms, which consist of 25% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive. The new farm bill will provide higher net farm income than a continuation of the FAIR Act. Cropland prices and cash rental rates are projected to increase slightly in all regions. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms will increase slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit and small-size farms are higher than those for large and high-profit farms.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Farm Management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for all representative farms in 2013 will be lower than in 2004. Low-profit farms, which comprise 25% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Costs are projected to increase faster than yields, which will pressure net farm income downward. Cropland prices and cash rental rates are projected to increase slightly in all regions. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms will increase slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit and small-size farms are higher than those for large and high-profit farms.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Farm Management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Swenson, Andrew L.; Koo, Won W.; Taylor, Richard D..
Net farm income for all representative farms in 2014 is projected to be lower than in 2004. Low-profit farms, which comprise 25% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Costs are projected to increase faster than yields, which will pressure net farm income downward. Cropland prices and cash rental rates are projected to increase slightly in all regions. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit and small-size farms are higher than those for large and high-profit farms.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Farm Management.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for nearly all representative farms in 2015 is projected to be higher than in 2005. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices and yields are projected to increase slightly faster than costs, which will increase net farm income. Cropland prices and cash rental rates are projected to increase slightly in all regions. Debt-to-asset ratios for most farms will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase throughout the forecast period.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk; Farm Management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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2007 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2007-2016 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for nearly all representative farms in 2016 is projected to be higher than in 2006. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices and yields are projected to increase slightly faster than costs, which will increase net farm income. Cropland prices and cash rental rates are projected to increase slightly in all regions. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to remain near the 0.50 level.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk; Agribusiness; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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2008 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2008-2017 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for nearly all representative farms in 2017 is projected to be lower than in 2007. Low profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices are expected to fall from current levels, however, the final level is unknown. Two price level scenarios were analyzed. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates after 2009. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low profit farms are expected to remain near the 0.50 level.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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2009 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2009-2018 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for all representative farms in 2018 is projected to be lower than in 2008. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices are expected to fall from current levels however the final level is unknown. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates after 2009. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms except for the low profit farm will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase to about 0.50.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk iv; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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2009 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2009-2018 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for all representative farms in 2018 is projected to be lower than in 2008. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices are expected to fall from current levels however the final level is unknown. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates after 2009. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms except for the low profit farm will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase to about 0.50.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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2010 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2010-2019 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income for most representative farms in 2019 is projected to be lower than in 2009. Low-profit farms, which comprise 20% of the farms in the study, may not have financial resiliency to survive without off-farm income. Commodity prices are expected to increase slowly from current levels. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms except for the low profit farm will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase to about 0.70.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk.; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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2011 North Dakota Agricultural Outlook: Representative Farms, 2011-2020 AgEcon
Taylor, Richard D.; Koo, Won W.; Swenson, Andrew L..
Net farm income in North Dakota was at record levels for most representative farms in 2010. However income in 2020 is projected to be lower than in 2010. Commodity prices are expected to decrease slowly from current levels. Commodity yields are projected to increase at historical trend-line rates and production expenses are expected to return to normal growth rates. Debt-to-asset ratios for all farms except for the low profit farm will decrease slightly throughout the forecast period. Debt-to-asset ratios for the low-profit farms are expected to increase slightly.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Net farm income; Debt-to-asset ratios; Cropland prices; Land rental rates; Farm operating expenses; Capitalization rate; Risk; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Financial Economics; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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