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La dynamique des pêches côtières du pays bigouden ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
In the beginning, the coastal fleet of the Bigouden region fished by trawling and was completely focused on exploiting lobster and hake. It is a traditional business that expanded between the last war and the 70s, reaching its peak between 1975 and 1980. The best image to give an idea of this fleet is that of a "bucket waterwheel" endlessly discharging its catch in the four ports of the Guilvinec district. Where there is a seafaring business in Guilvinec, Loctudy and Saint-Guénolé, there is a complementarity that is expressed in two ways: - coastal fishing constitutes a very noticeable and regular supplement to production, since sales happen daily and only bad winter weather causes a relative decrease in the supplement. - coastal fishing gives a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Brittany; Data; Fishing zone; Fleet; Trawling; Commercial species; Costal fisheries; Finistere; Bretagne; Atlantique Nord Est; Golfe de Gascogne; Merluccius; Lophius; Pisces; Nephrops Norvegicus; Zone peche; Exploitation; Flottille; Chalut; Donnee; Espece commerciale; Peche cotiere.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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