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VP22 herpes simplex virus protein can transduce proteins into stem cells BJMBR
Gabanyi,I.; Lojudice,F.H.; Kossugue,P.M.; Rebelato,E.; Demasi,M.A.; Sogayar,M.C..
The type I herpes simplex virus VP22 tegument protein is abundant and well known for its ability to translocate proteins from one cell to the other. In spite of some reports questioning its ability to translocate proteins by attributing the results observed to fixation artifacts or simple attachment to the cell membrane, VP22 has been used to deliver several proteins into different cell types, triggering the expected cell response. However, the question of the ability of VP22 to enter stem cells has not been addressed. We investigated whether VP22 could be used as a tool to be applied in stem cell research and differentiation due to its capacity to internalize other proteins without altering the cell genome. We generated a VP22.eGFP construct to evaluate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: VP22 protein delivery; Protein transducing domain; EGFP; Stem cells transduction; Cell differentiation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Multiple gene knock-down by a single lentiviral vector expressing an array of short hairpin RNAs Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Stove,Veronique; Smits,Kaatje; Naessens,Evelien; Plum,Jean; Verhasselt,Bruno.
RNA interference (RNAi), mediated by short double-stranded RNAs, is a powerful mechanism for posttranscriptional gene silencing. Sustained expression of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) can be accomplished in mammalian cells by viral delivery systems. Using lentiviral constructs, stable gene silencing is established both in dividing and non-dividing cells. Targeting one single gene can lead to the development of escape mutants or may be insufficient to silence redundant pathways. Therefore, simultaneous targeting of multiple genes may be necessary. We have generated a lentiviral vector-based system for expression of multiple shRNAs from a single viral vector, which also encodes an EGFP reporter protein. We show that knock-down of each single gene from multiple...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: EGFP; Lentiviral gene transfer; Multiple knock-down; RNAi; Rho GTPases; ShRNA.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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