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Social-Ecological Thresholds in a Changing Boreal Landscape: Insights from Cree Knowledge of the Lesser Slave Lake Region of Alberta, Canada Ecology and Society
Parlee, Brenda L; Univeresity of Alberta;; Geertsema, Karen ; University of Alberta;; Willier, Allen; Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council;.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed article Palavras-chave: Aboriginal; Ecosystem change; Monitoring; Traditional knowledge.
Ano: 2012
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Mapping habitats in a marine reserve showed how a 30-year trophic cascade altered ecosystem structure ArchiMer
Leleu, Kevin; Remy-zephir, Brice; Grace, Roger; Costello, Mark J..
Time-series studies have reported trophic cascades in land, freshwater and marine environments in many geographic areas. However, the spatial extent of habitats, a key metric of ecosystem structure, has not been mapped in these studies. Marine reserves can provide experimental, before-after and inside-outside (control-impacted), situations for assessing the impact of fishing on ecosystems. We mapped seabed habitats and their associated communities (biotopes) in New Zealand's oldest marine reserve for comparison with pre-reserve maps created about 30 years previously. Areas grazed bare by sea urchins were entirely replaced in the centre of the reserve by kelp, or alga turf, an intermediate biotope between heavily grazed encrusting algae and lightly grazed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Kelp forest; Ecosystem change; Predator release; Subtidal mapping; Urchin Barren; New Zealand; Lobster; Fish; Time-series.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Australia’s biosecurity: future challenges for animal industries AgEcon
Nunn, Mike J..
Australia’s very good animal health status faces a wide range of biosecurity challenges that will arise during the next decade from changes in disease risk, ecosystems, technology and the policy environment in which animal producers operate. An understanding of these challenges should help enable producers to adopt management strategies to make their enterprises more resilient, as well as help policy-makers make better-informed choices to maintain and improve the health of Australia’s animals and animal industries.
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Animal health; Biosecurity; Climate change; Ecosystem change; Emerging diseases; Environmental change; Policy; Risk; Risk analysis; Technology; Farm Management.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Humans, megafauna and environmental change in tropical Australia ArchiMer
Bird, Michael I.; Hutley, Lindsay B.; Lawes, Michael J.; Lloyd, Jon; Luly, Jon G.; Ridd, Peter V.; Roberts, Richard G.; Ulm, Sean; Wurster, Christopher M..
Debate concerning the environmental impact of human arrival in Australia has continued for more than a century. Here we review the evidence for human impact and the mechanisms by which humans may have affected the environment of tropical Australia. We limit our review to tropical Australia because, over three decades ago, it was proposed that the imposition of an anthropogenic fire regime upon human occupation of the Australian continent may have resulted in profound changes in regional vegetation and climate across this region. We conclude that ecological processes and vegetation-fire-climate-human feedbacks do exist that could have driven a significant shift in boundary conditions and ecosystem state at the sub-continental scale through the sustained...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Human impact; Megafaunal extinction; Tropical palaeoclimate; Fire regime; Ecosystem change.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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