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Le comportement agrégatif des dorades coryphènes (Coryphaena hippurus) autour des objets flottants ArchiMer
Taquet, Marc.
The aggregative behaviour of the dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) is studied in order to improve our knowledge of the mechanism involved in the association of this species with the floating objects and to evaluate its potential impact in term of exploitation, targeted or not. This PhD thesis is composed of four chapters. Through an extensive analyze of the literature, the first chapter takes stock of the present knowledge on the FADs, on the aggregative behaviour of pelagic fish and on the dolphinfish. The second chapter deals specifically with the aggregative behaviour of the dolphinfish by the way of acoustic tagging of fish carry out during offshore campaigns around drifting FADs. The feeding habits of the dolphinfish around FADs are the main purpose...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem indicator; Acoustic tagging; Feeding habits; Fish aggregative behaviour; Coryphaena hippurus; FAD; Fish Aggregating Devices; Fishery science; Indicateur écosystémique; Marquage acoustique; Comportement trophique; Comportement agrégatif; Coryphaena hippurus; DCP; Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons; Halieutique.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The good(ish), the bad, and the ugly: a tripartite classification of ecosystem trends ArchiMer
Bundy, Alida; Shannon, Lynne J.; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Neira, Sergio; Shin, Yunne-jai; Hill, Louize; Aydin, Kerim.
Marine ecosystems have been exploited for a long time, growing increasingly vulnerable to collapse and irreversible change. How do we know when an ecosystem may be in danger? A measure of the status of individual stocks is only a partial gauge of its status, and does not include changes at the broader ecosystem level, to non-commercial species or to its structure or functioning. Six ecosystem indicators measuring trends over time were collated for 19 ecosystems, corresponding to four ecological attributes: resource potential, ecosystem structure and functioning, conservation of functional biodiversity, and ecosystem stability and resistance to perturbations. We explored the use of a decision-tree approach, a definition of initial ecosystem state (impacted...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comparative approach; Decision tree; Ecosystem classification; Ecosystem indicator; Exploited marine ecosystems.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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