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Auctioning Conservation Payments using Environmental Indices AgEcon
Cattaneo, Andrea.
A framework for analyzing conservation programs that rank applications using environmental indices is presented. We derive the optimal bid from the farmer's perspective for both land retirement and working lands agri-environmental payment programs and we analyze how these solutions depend on program design parameters. The distinction is made between environmental objectives based on whether the farmer exercises control or not over the level proposed in a bid to participate in a program. The optimization model is solved analytically for two cases - a land retirement and a working lands program - highlighting the differences in the results. For land retirement programs we conclude that, for the cases considered, the exogenous environmental performance does...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental payments; Program design; Participation incentives; D8; H5; Q28; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Prescriptive use of Environmental Indices: A "How To" Guide for Conservation Programs AgEcon
Cattaneo, Andrea.
A framework for analyzing conservation programs that rank applications using environmental indices is presented. We derive the optimal bid from the farmer's perspective for both land retirement and working lands agri-environmental payment programs and we analyze how these solutions depend on program design parameters. The distinction is made between environmental objectives based on whether the farmer exercises control or not over the level proposed in a bid to participate in a program. The optimization model is solved analytically for two cases - a land retirement and a working lands program - highlighting the differences in the results.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Environmental payments; Program design; Participation incentives; Environmental Economics and Policy; C6; H57; Q21; Q28.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Das moderne Konzept der internen Subventionierung als Kriterium zur Identifizierung von Wettbewerbsverzerrungen bei europäischen Agrarumweltmaßnahmen AgEcon
Holm-Muller, Karin; Witzke, Heinz Peter.
Both WTO and the EU use a “Rule of additional costs” (RAC) to restrict payments for ecological services in agriculture in order to prevent trade distortions. We assess this rule in the light of modern economic theory. It is shown that the RAC is efficient, if conventional agriculture is competitive without other payments. In regions where agriculture is not competitive though and is said to be important for ecological purposes the payments for ecological services must exceed additional costs. In these cases three criteria exist to prevent trade distortions as far as possible: the regions in which farmers are eligible to more than additional costs must be clearly defined by economic and ecological indicators, payments must not exceed the costs for...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Rule of additional costs; Environmental payments; Competitiveness.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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