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Environmental Remediation Law and Economies in Transition AgEcon
Boyd, James.
The paper discusses the design of environmental remediation laws in countries struggling with fundamental market and institutional reforms. Optimal cleanup standards, liability rules, and enforcement are discussed from the standpoint of both economic efficiency and practical implementation. Particular attention is paid to financing mechanisms and issues that arise during privatization.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Environmental remediation; Liability; Privatization; Transitional economies; Environmental Economics and Policy; K32; P21; Q28.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Incorporating Project Uncertainty in Novel Environment Biotechnologies: Illustrated Using Phytoremediation AgEcon
Linacre, Nicholas A.; Whiting, Steven N.; Angle, J. Scott.
Pollution of the environment by metals and organic contaminants is an intractable global problem, with cleanup costs running into billions of dollars using current engineering technologies. The availability of alternative, cheap and effective technologies would significantly improve the prospects of cleaning-up metal contaminated sites. Phytoremediation has been proposed as an economical and ‘green’ method of exploiting plants to extract or degrade the contaminants in the soil. To date, the majority of phytoremediation efforts have been directed at leaping the biological, biochemical and agronomic hurdles to deliver a working technology, with scant attention to the economic outlook other than simple estimates of the cost advantages of phytoremediation over...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biotechnology; Project risk; Soil contaminants; Environmental remediation; Industrial crop technologies; Crop Production/Industries; Q5; Q51; Q2.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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