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Comments on "Genetically Modified Crops: Risks and Promise" by Gordon Conway Ecology and Society
Gadgil, Madhav; Indian Institute of Science;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Citizen science; Exclusion; Global development; Green revolution; New culture; Plant biotechnology; Poverty; Public participation.
Ano: 2000
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Prevention or Control: Optimal Government Policies for Invasive Species Management AgEcon
Kim, C.S.; Lubowski, Ruben N.; Lewandrowski, Jan; Eiswerth, Mark E..
We present a conceptual, but empirically applicable, model for determining the optimal allocation of resources between exclusion and control activities for managing an invasive species with an uncertain discovery time. This model is used to investigate how to allocate limited resources between activities before and after the first discovery of an invasive species and the effects of the characteristics of an invasive species on limited resource allocation. The optimality conditions show that it is economically efficient to spend a larger share of outlays for exclusion activities before, rather than after, a species is first discovered, up to a threshold point. We also find that, after discovery, more exclusionary measures and fewer control measures are...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Invasive species; Exclusion; Control; Eradication; Public expenditures; Environmental Economics and Policy; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Why market institutions disfavor smallholder farmers’ compliance with international food safety standards: Evidence from Kenya, Zambia and Ethiopia AgEcon
Okello, Julius Juma; Narrod, Clare A.; Roy, Devesh.
This paper examines the high value chains (HVC) for green bean exports from Africa to identify the critical points at which exporters exercise great caution in preventing produce contamination with pathogens and pesticide residues. It then examines the control points that pose greatest threat to continued participation of smallholder farmers in the HVC and discusses the strategies African countries have used to maintain smallholder farmers in the green bean HVC. The paper identifies six critical control points. Among these, smallholders are most threatened with exclusion from HVC at two control points. At those points the farmer must make costly lumpy investments to meet the standards. To overcome the likelihood of smallholders being excluded from HVC at...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Smallholder farmers; International food safety standards; Critical control points; Exclusion; Green beans; Africa; Health Economics and Policy; International Development; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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A Simple Theory of Predation AgEcon
Fumagalli, Chiara; Motta, Massimo.
We propose a simple theory of predatory pricing, based on scale economies and sequential buyers (or markets). The entrant (or prey) needs to reach a critical scale to be successful. The incumbent (or predator) is ready to make losses on earlier buyers so as to deprive the prey of the scale it needs, thus making monopoly profits on later buyers. Several extensions are considered, including markets where scale economies exist because of demand externalities or two-sided market effects, and where markets are characterised by common costs. Conditions under which predation may take place in actual cases are also discussed.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Anticompetitive Behaviour; Exclusion; Below-Cost Pricing; Antitrust; Financial Economics; K21; L12; L40.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to ambient ultraviolet-B radiation in growth and yield characteristics of eight soybean cultivars grown under field conditions Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Baroniya,Sanjay S.; Kataria,Sunita; Pandey,G.P.; Guruprasad,Kadur N..
The present study was conducted with eight cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) to determine the effect of exclusion of solar UV-B on the vegetative growth (plant height, leaf area, no. of nodes), UV absorbing compounds (implicated in UV protection) and crop yield (No. of pods and seed weight) and to determine the cultivar difference in their sensitivity to ambient UV-B. Exclusion of solar UV-B enhanced the vegetative growth and yield of all the soybean cultivars. The results showed a significant inverse association between the enhancement in vegetative growth and number of pods among the cultivars tested, indicating differences in the carbon partitioning amongst the cultivars by the way of exclusion of solar UV-B. NRC-7, Pusa-24 and JS-335 showed maximum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exclusion; Leaf Area; Sensitivity index; UV-Absorbing substances.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Resource degradation, marginalization, and poverty in small-scale fisheries: threats to social-ecological resilience in India and Brazil Ecology and Society
Nayak, Prateep K.; Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo;; Oliveira, Luiz E.; Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba;; Berkes, Fikret; Natural Resources Institute, University of Manitoba;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Brazil; Degradation; Disempowerment; Exclusion; Exploitation; Fisheries; Human-environment disconnect; Identity; Impoverishment; India; Marginalization; Poverty; Resilience; Small-scale fishery; Social-ecological system.
Ano: 2014
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