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The Economic Impacts of Avian Influenza on World Poultry Trade and the U.S. Poultry Industry: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis AgEcon
Djunaidi, Harjanto; Djunaidi, Andrew C.M..
Simulation results showed that simultaneous outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Asia, the United States, Brazil, and selected European countries will have significant impacts on world poultry trade. Assuming demand for chicken meat is constant, the global export price is simulated to increase by 9.63%. HPAI outbreaks in the United States, Economic Union, and Brazil will have a greater impact on export price than in any other possible three-region case. Outbreaks in the United States and Brazil would still lead to major impacts on world poultry trade, confirming large country effects.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Bird flu; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Economic impacts; H5N1; HPAI disease; Spatial equilibrium; U.S. poultry industry; World chicken trade; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Livestock Production/Industries; Q17; Q11; Q18; F14; F17; F47.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Marchant, Mary A.; Cornell, Dyana N.; Koo, Won W..
International agricultural trade has evolved over time. Processed foods and developing countries have become major growth markets for U.S. agricultural exports, and foreign direct investment (FDI) has become even more important than exports as a means of accessing foreign markets. The critical question is whether FDI is a substitute for or a complement of exports. This research builds upon an existing theoretical FDI model and contributes to the literature through the development of a simultaneous equation system for FDI and exports, which is estimated using two-stage least squares. Empirical analyses were used to examine the relationship between U.S. FDI and exports of processed foods into East Asian countries - China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea,...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: East Asia; Exports; Foreign direct investment; International trade; Processed foods; International Relations/Trade; F47; Q17; C3; F17.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Trends and Prospects of Lithuania's Trade in Agricultural and Food Products with BRICs AgEcon
Bogdanov, Andrej; Petuchova, Tamara.
This study explores trends and perspectives of Lithuania’s trade in agricultural and food products with the BRIC countries. Agriculture is one of the priority sectors of Lithuania’s economy and plays an important economic and social role. The share of agricultural and food products within the overall foreign trade of Lithuania is significant, and exports to the BRIC countries account for nearly one third of the Lithuanian agricultural and food products exports. BRICs economic development and growing population leads to the increasing food consumption. The potential of these markets is attractive for Lithuania’s foreign trade. Therefore, consideration of trade flow in food and agricultural products between Lithuania and the BRIC countries is currently very...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Foreign trade in agricultural and food products; Econometric model; Forecast; Lithuania; BRIC; Agribusiness; F17; F47.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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