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Lab-scale periphyton-based system for fish culture 65
Cavalcante,Davi de Holanda; Silva,Suzete Roberta da; Pinheiro,Paloma Damasceno; Martins,Ádila da Cunha; Sá,Marcelo Vinícius do Carmo e.
The present research aimed to assess a lab-scale model to study periphyton-based systems for fish culture. Twenty-five liters plastic aquaria were stocked with three Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, juveniles (0.77±0.09g; 12 fish m-2) for 6 weeks in a 2x2 factorial design. Small plastic bottles were placed in some aquaria for periphyton development. Two feeding regimes were employed: "full-fed" (standard feeding rates were fully adopted) and "half-fed" (50% of standard feeding rates). Growth performance and limnological variables were observed in each aquarium. There werefive replicates per treatment. Fish have fed actively on periphyton, especially in the half-fed aquaria. The placement of periphyton bottles had no significant effects on the water...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Periphyton; Tilapia; Feeding restriction; Fish culture.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Behaviors associated with cows more prone to produce milk with reduced stability to ethanol test due to feeding restriction 65
Stumpf,Marcelo Tempel; Fischer,Vivian; Kolling,Giovani Jacob; Silva,Alessandra Ventura da; Ribeiro,Maria Edi Rocha; Santos,Carolina da Silva dos.
ABSTRACT: The experiment was carried out to identify changes in the behaviorr of lactating cows induced by severe feeding restriction and further refeeding that could serve as facilitators for the visual identification of cows more prone to produce milk with reduced stability. Twelve cows were separated into two groups: Control: full diet supply; Restriction: 50% of the full diet. Feed restriction lasted seven days (Period 1), with posterior supply of full diet for seven days (Period 2) for all treatments. Behavior was observed on the first and fifth days in each period from 08h40 to 19h00. Ingestive and social behavior were monitored. Cortisol assessed stress levels. Analysis of variance and multifactorial statistical analyzes were performed. Adequate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos taurus taurus; Feeding restriction; Ingestive behaviour; Milk stability; Social behaviour.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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