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Mesures geotechniques par grand fond ArchiMer
Cochonat, Pierre; Dansy, G; Leduc, Bernard; Meunier, Jacques; Harmegnies, Francois; Floury, L.
The mechanical behaviour of sediments is usually studied from laboratory core analyses which do not take into account the real state of in-situ stresses. Therefore, the aimed purpose is presently to determine the in-situ geotechnical properties which mainly depend on the relationship between fine-grained particles and intergranular fluids. At IFREMER, these achievements have been pursued in the framework of 2 scientific program: "Nodules and Sedimentary Processes and Instability on Slopes, for which surficial measurements were conducted on selected seafloor targets usually pre-defined from high resolution geophysical data." 2 kinds of instrumentation were developed in correlation to 2 different strategies of handling at sea. There is the instrumentation of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Submarine cables; Deep sea mining; Offshore equipment; Geotechnology; Submersibles; Sedimentary structures; Sedimentology; Ferromanganese nodules; Instability; Marine technology; Sediments; Ocean floor; Deep water.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Influence of surface texture and microhabitat heterogeneity in structuring nodule faunal communities ArchiMer
Veillette, J; Juniper, S; Gooday, A; Sarrazin, Jozee.
Manganese nodules provide an important habitat for sessile benthic organisms, many of them novel foraminifera, in the abyssal Pacific. The surface texture and microhabitat heterogeneity of nodules may play a significant role in structuring these communities. We analyzed the distribution of foraminiferal species on 20 nodules collected using either a USNEL box corer or the Nautile submersible sampling tool at a 5000-m-deep site in the Tropical North Pacific. The nodules had an upper region characterized by two microhabitats, namely raised surfaces and intervening depressed surfaces. The more or less vertical sides of the nodules were regarded as a third microhabitat. The upper region had a predominantly smooth texture while the sides had a rough texture. We...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Current flow; Microhabitats; Surface texture; Agglutinated foraminifera; Epifauna; Ferromanganese nodules.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Ferromanganese nodule fauna in the Tropical North Pacific Ocean: Species richness, faunal cover and spatial distribution ArchiMer
Veillette, J; Sarrazin, Jozee; Gooday, A; Galeron, Joelle; Caprais, Jean-claude; Vangriesheim, Annick; Etoubleau, Joel; Christian, J; Juniper, S.
The poorly known ferromanganese nodule fauna is a widespread hard substratum community in the deep sea that will be considerably impacted by large-scale nodule mining operations. The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the fauna attached to nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone at two scales; a regional scale that includes the east (14 degrees N, 130 degrees W) and the west (9 degrees N, 150 degrees W) zones and a local scale in which different geological facies (A, B, C and west) are recognizable. The fauna associated with 235 nodules was quantitatively described: 104 nodules from the east zone (15 of facies A, 50 of facies B and 39 of facies C) and 131 nodules from the west zone. Percent cover was used to quantify...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environmental impacts; Environmental factors; Geographical distribution; Agglutinated foraminifera; Fixed fauna; Ferromanganese nodules.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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