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Improving baking quality, nutritional value and safety of organic winter wheat / Améliorer la qualité technologique, nutritionnelle et sanitaire du blé biologique, Principaux leviers agronomiques et technologiques 21
David, Christophe; Abecassis, Joël; Carcea, M.; Celette, Florian; Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Friedel, J.; Hiltbrunner, J.; Mäder, Paul; Messmer, Monika; Narducci, V.; Peigne, Joséphine; Thomsen, I. K..
The organic bread wheat market has been diversified over time through the emergence of different sale channels. Processors require organic bread wheat of higher quality and safety in order to meet the consumers’ demand. The overall objective of the AGTEC-Org project was to identify agronomical and technological ways to improve the performance of organic wheat and flour. The findings would contribute to enhanced baking quality and nutritional value of organic flour, as well as prevention of mycotoxin contamination. The project involved 9 research centers or universities from 5 European countries for a total budget of about 1.5 million €. More than 400 experimental treatments were analyzed from 23 agronomic trials and 4 lab-experiments on food technology....
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop combinations and interactions Food security; Food quality and human health Composting and manuring Processing; Packaging and transportation.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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