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The Effect of a Group Exercise Program on Muscular Function among Fall-Prone Elderly Women International Journal of Morphology
Behpoor,Naser; Darabi,Mohammad Reza; Hojatoleslami,Leila; Bayat,Parvin-Dokht; Ghanbari,Ali.
In a sampled population of fall-prone elderly women, an exercise protocol was performed for 12 weeks on experimental group and at the end of exercise period, the strength and endurance of muscles and SF-6 Health Surveys were analyzed. Results showed that endurance and strength of muscles and also physical activity were improved in experimental group (P<0.05). Group exercise program causes improvement in both strength and endurance of muscles in fall-prone elderly women. The effect of group exercise program on women may be related to differences in central nervous system of this gender in comparison with men.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Physical activity; Exercise therapy; Frail elderly; Female.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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