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Rimal, Arbindra; Ward, Ronald W..
AIDs demand models are used to test if the generic promotion of fresh-cut flowers influenced the market shares for florists, supermarkets, and other retail outlets. Were the generic efforts outlet neutral? Generic promotions of fresh-cut flowers is shown to be outlet neutral while the brand advertising increased florists' market share.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Fresh-cut flowers; Generic promotion; AIDs model; Marketing.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Issues in evaluating generic promotion in the food chain AgEcon
Goddard, Ellen W.; Freebairn, John W.; Griffith, Garry R..
Some issues in the evaluation of generic promotion have received relatively little attention. The agricultural economics literature on brand versus generic advertising is often simple empirically and has not related well to the burgeoning marketing literature on brand/private label strategies. Conversely, that literature does not often consider the implication of the strategies for any but consumers, processors and retailers. Thus, there is a significant gap in terms of branding strategy implications for farmers, in spite of the fact that many farm groups and co-operatives feel that this should be their main marketing goal. This issue becomes more relevant for exporting countries such as Australia given the requirement for country-of-origin labelling in...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Generic promotion; Brand promotion; Private label; Market power; Agribusiness; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Markets Segmented by Regional - Origin Labeling with Quality Control AgEcon
Thompson, Stanley R.; Anders, Sven M.; Herrmann, Roland.
It is the objective of this paper to provide a methodological framework for the analysis of regional marketing programs which include regional-origin labeling as well as quality assurance and control. Such programs are increasingly introduced in Europe and other parts of the world as a means against quality uncertainty in globalized markets. An equilibrium - displacement model is developed for a segmented market with differential qualities that can be utilized for a broad variety of marketing programs. It is applied to one selected European case, i.e. "Gepruefte Qualitaet - Bayern". It is shown that the price impacts on high-quality and low-quality segments depend crucially on substitutive relationships between the markets and the advertising elasticities....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Regional-origin labeling; Segmented markets; Generic promotion; Gepruefte Qualitaet - Bayern; Economic welfare; Marketing.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Hill, Debbie J.; Piggott, Roley R.; Griffith, Garry R..
The motivation for this study rests on two factors. First, Australian dairy farmers spend around $20 million annually on generic promotion and estimates of the returns from this expenditure are required to facilitate efficient investment decisions. Second, while the Australian dairy industry is currently highly regulated despite a substantial reduction in assistance over the past decade, manufacturing milk subsidies are to be eliminated by 2000 and market milk regulations are being reviewed. The profit potential of promotion may vary with the degree of regulation, so past estimates of the returns from promotion may not hold in the competitive environment of the future. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the effects of government intervention on...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Generic promotion; Dairy; Equilibrium displacement modelling; Livestock Production/Industries; Marketing.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Übermäßige Werbung und Marktsegmentierung durch staatliche Förderung der Regionalvermarktung: Eine theoretische Analyse AgEcon
Herrmann, Roland; Anders, Sven M.; Thompson, Stanley R..
The protection of the regional origin of foods is a major part of the food-quality policy in the EU. It is the objective of this article to analyze economic effects of such policy instruments. Two different types of policy are distinguished which are both designed to promote regional products. First, generic promotion of a homogeneous commodity at the national and/or regional level in the spirit of NERLOVE and WAUGH is investigated. This instrument aims at shifting the demand for the advertised commodity outward. We derive theoretically that excessive advertising does exist if several promotion activities at different regional levels exist at one time. It would be more cost-effective due to product substitutability to move from separate strategies at the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Country-of-origin labelling; Regional-origin labelling; Excessive advertising; Generic promotion; Market segmentation; Marketing.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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