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Cyclones and Anticyclones in Seismic Imaging ArchiMer
Barbosa Aguiar, A. C.; Menesguen, Claire; Le Gentil, Sylvie; Schopp, Richard; Carton, Xavier.
Nearly all the subsurface eddies detected in seismic imaging of sections in the northeast Atlantic have been assumed to be anticyclones containing Mediterranean Water (MW). Fewer MW cyclones have been observed and studied. In this study, the work of previous numerical studies is extended to investigate some characteristics of layering surrounding MW cyclones, using a primitive equation model with equal diffusivities for salinity and temperature to suppress the effects of double diffusion. It is shown that, after a stable state is reached, both anticyclones and cyclones display similar patterns of layering: stacked thin layers of high acoustic reflectivity located above and below the core of each vortex, which do not match isopycnals. The authors conclude...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geographic location/entity; North Atlantic Ocean; Circulation/ Dynamics; Small scale processes; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Eddies; Vortices; Observational techniques and algorithms; Acoustic measurements/effects; Models and modeling; Primitive equations model.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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On the Mediterranean Water Composition ArchiMer
Carracedo, Lidia; Pardo, P. C.; Flecha, S.; Perez, Ff.
The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) spills from the Mediterranean Sea (east North Atlantic basin) west off the Strait of Gibraltar. As MOW outflows, it entrains eastern North Atlantic Central Waters (ENACW) and Intermediate Waters to form the neutrally buoyant Mediterranean Water (MW) that can be traced over the entire North Atlantic basin. Its high salinity content influences the thermohaline properties of the intermediate-deep water column in the North Atlantic and its dynamics. Here, the composition of MW in its source region (the Gulf of Cadiz, west off Strait of Gibraltar) is investigated on the basis of an optimum multiparameter analysis. The results obtained indicate that mixing of MOW (34.1% +/- 0.3%) occurs mainly with overlying ENACW (57.1% +/-...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water masses; Geographic location/entity; Physical Meteorology and Climatology; North Atlantic Ocean; Entrainment; Circulation/ Dynamics; Mixing; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Climatology.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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On the Movements of the North Atlantic Subpolar Front in the Preinstrumental Past* ArchiMer
Marchal, Olivier; Waelbroeck, Claire; Colin De Verdiere, Alain.
Three sediment records of sea surface temperature (SST) are analyzed that originate from distant locations in the North Atlantic, have centennial-to-multicentennial resolution, are based on the same reconstruction method and chronological assumptions, and span the past 15 000 yr. Using recursive least squares techniques, an estimate of the time-dependent North Atlantic SST field over the last 15 kyr is sought that is consistent with both the SST records and a surface ocean circulation model, given estimates of their respective error (co)variances. Under the authors' assumptions about data and model errors, it is found that the 10 degrees C mixed layer isotherm, which approximately traces the modern Subpolar Front, would have moved by ~15 degrees of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Inverse methods; Kalman filters; Climate variability; Circulation/ Dynamics; Geographic location/entity; Oceanic variability; Variability; Mathematical and statistical techniques; Fronts; North Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Geostrophic Closure of the Zonally Averaged Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation ArchiMer
Sevellec, Florian; Huck, Thierry.
It is typically assumed that the meridional density gradient in the North Atlantic is well and positively correlated with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). In numerical "water-hosing" experiments, for example, imposing an anomalous freshwater flux in the Northern Hemisphere leads to a slowdown of the AMOC. However, on planetary scale, the first-order dynamics are linked to the geostrophic balance, relating the north-south pressure gradient to the zonal circulation. In this study, these two approaches are reconciled. At steady state and under geostrophic dynamics, an analytical expression is derived to relate the zonal and meridional pressure gradient. This solution is only valid where the meridional density gradient length scale is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meridional overturning circulation; Thermohaline circulation; Atm/Ocean Structure/ Phenomena; Ocean circulation; Baroclinic flows; Geographic location/entity; Ekman pumping; Circulation/ Dynamics; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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