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Relative contributions of different sole and plaice nurseries to the adult population in the Eastern Channel: application of a combined method using generalized linear models and a geographic information system 5
Riou, Philippe; Le Pape, Olivier; Rogers, Stuart I..
The Eastern Channel (ICES division 7d) is considered a unit for stock management of the common sole Solea solea and the plaice Pleuronectes platessa. At this scale, the aim of this work is to model the juvenile distribution of these flatfish. The database used, based on different surveys undertaken during the two last decades, includes 4500 coastal beam trawl hauls throughout the Eastern Channel coasts. Multivariate analyses are used to study the interannual fluctuations in flatfish recruitment of the region. This approach allows us to separate the Eastern Channel into homogeneous sectors with regard to these fluctuations. The physical parameters that contribute to the observed juvenile sole and plaice distributions are identified and their distributions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nursery grounds; Geographical information system; Statistical models; Solea solea; Pleuronectes platessa; Nourricerie; Manche Est; Système d'information géographique; Modèles statistiques.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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A method to calculate economic key figures with regard to plot structure improvements 31
Kapfer, Martin; Kantelhardt, Jochen.
The aim of land consolidation projects is to improve the competitiveness of agriculture. Since land consolidation is subsidised by national and European means, the effectiveness of such measures must be determined. The following paper presents a method which makes it possible to calculate the direct economic effects of land consolidation. The calculations, considering labour demand, machinery costs and headland effects, compare the economic situation before and after land consolidation. The method was applied to four land consolidation projects in Bavaria. It can be shown that, to a varying degree, land consolidation in the studied areas leads to a substantial decrease in labour demand and machinery costs.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Land consolidation; Geographical information system; Direct economic effects; Labour demand; Machinery costs.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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