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Methane fluxes from waterlogged and drained Histosols of highland areas 90
Rachwal,Marcos Fernando Glück; Zanatta,Josiléia Acordi; Dieckow,Jeferson; Denega,Genuir Luis; Curcio,Gustavo Ribas; Bayer,Cimélio.
Soil can be either source or sink of methane (CH4), depending on the balance between methanogenesis and methanotrophy, which are determined by pedological, climatic and management factors. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of drainage of a highland Haplic Histosol on CH4 fluxes. Field research was carried out in Ponta Grossa (Paraná, Brazil) based on the measurement of CH4 fluxes by the static chamber method in natural and drained Histosol, over one year (17 sampling events). The natural Histosol showed net CH4 eflux, with rates varying from 238 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in cool/cold periods, to 2,850 µg m-2 h-1 CH4, in warm/hot periods, resulting a cumulative emission of 116 kg ha-1 yr-1 CH4. In the opposite, the drained Histosol showed net...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Greenhouse gas; Water sources; Water-table; Gravimetric moisture; Air temperature; Rainfall.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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