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Cianobacterias filamentosas, terrícolas de Punta Fort William, Isla Greenwich, Shetland del sur, Antártida 20
Treiber de Espinoza, B..
Los especímenes de Oscillatoria sp., Phormidium sp. y Phormidium mucicola Hub. constituyen componentes importantes de la microflora terrícola de la cobertura vegetal sobre un afloramiento rocoso de LAGO PEVIMA, Punta Fort William, Isla Greenwich, Shetland del sur. La mayoría de individuos son observados en asociación con los musgos Polytrichum sp. y Polytrichum juníperus Hed, y además como constituyentes del suelo. El presente estudio comprende descripciones morfológicas de los individuos mencionados. El aislamiento y cultivo de las cianobacterias se efectuó mediante el método de diluciones consecutivas en medio de cultivo según Allen (1952) y con la incubación de los cultivos a temperatura ambiental y bajo intensidad y periodicidad de luz natural, en...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Microorganisms; Organism morphology; Physicochemical properties; Microorganisms; Physicochemical properties; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality of River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya 20
Raburu, P. O.; Okeyo-Owuor, J.B..
The impact of agro-industrial activities on the water quality within River Nyando, Lake Victoria Basin (Kenya) was studied at different hierarchical levels between August 1997 and June 1999. Triplicate water samples were collected on a monthly basis from various stations ranging from the source to the mouth of the river and analyzed for selected physical and chemical water quality parameters using standard analytical methods. Statistical analysis was performed using MINITAB and STATISTICA computer packages. Agricultural land use was found to be the major factor contributing to changes in water quality. Salinity and pH varied at river basin scale, turbidity, TDS and conductivity at catchment scale, while DO, alkalinity and pH at subcatchment and river reach...
Tipo: Proceedings Paper Palavras-chave: Water quality; Environmental impact; Industrial wastes; Inland waters; Rivers; Anthropogenic factors; River basin management; Statistical analysis; Physicochemical properties; Land use; Limnological data; Environmental monitoring; Resource management; Environment management; Agricultural pollution; Water quality; Environmental impact; Rivers; Statistical analysis; Land use; Environmental monitoring; Industrial wastes; Inland waters; Anthropogenic factors; Physicochemical properties; Resource management; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Seasonal variations in some physiochemical parameters of the Bonny estuary, Niger delta. 20
Dublin-Green, C.O..
This study is based on eight research cruises carried out on the bonny river system from December 1986-september 1988. Variations in some physico-chemical parameters of water [Transparency, temperature, pH, DO, salinity, conductivity, PO4, NH4 SiO2 and alkalinity] observed at 10 stations located in the main channel of the river are presented. Results showed that salinity, conductivity, pH, DO, and alkalinity exhibited spatial and temporal variations. In general, the upper estuary was slightly acidic while the middle and lower estuary were alkaline .A slight decrease in water temperature with depth was observed in most of the stations. The amplitude of variation in surface and bottom water temperature was generally between 0.5-2oC. Significant salinity...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Physicochemical properties; Seasonal variations; Physicochemical properties; Http://
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Variation in the physico-chemical features and phytoplankton of new Calabar river at Aluu, Rivers State, Nigeria. 20
Erondu, E.S.; Chindah, A.C..
The physico-chemical features and phytoplankton community of the upper reaches of the New Calabar river at Aluu were studied at high and low water slacks for a period of 12 months. The water was acidic (pH 5.5 – 6.5) with low alkalinity (10 – 20mg CaCO3 L-1 and characteristically soft (total hardness ranging from 10 to 60mg CaCO3L-1). There was obvious seasonal flux in the silica level, with dry season having higher values than wet season. The phytoplankton was predominated by the diatoms, which constituted more than 85% of the total phytoplankton population. The predominant taxa were Melosira sp. Tabellaria spp. Surirella spp. and Navicula spp. The phytoplankton density was significantly higher during the dry season than rainy season (Czekanowski’s...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Physicochemical properties; Phytoplankton; Phytoplankton; Physicochemical properties; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1991 URL:
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