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Winners and losers from Johne’s disease eradication from the Scottish dairy herd: a Markov-Chain simulation AgEcon
Weldegebriel, Habtu T.; Gunn, George J.; Stott, Alistair W..
In this paper, we evaluated the welfare effects of a hypothetical programme of Johne's disease eradication from the Scottish dairy herd on different stakeholders in the domestic milk market. We undertook the evaluation using a Markov-Chain simulation and applying an economic welfare analysis which takes into consideration the effects of an eradication programme on product price, on output quantity, on cost and on milk yield for given levels of supply and demand elasticities. We found that, following the eradication of the disease, milk yield per cow increased for all herd sizes in Scotland whereas price and unit cost of milk production fell. Consequently, milk consumers gained around £14.3 million in discounted economic surplus and producers with infected...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Johne's; Eradication programme; Economic welfare effects; Economic surplus; I180.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Potential Impacts of Iron Biofortification in India AgEcon
Stein, Alexander J.; Qaim, Matin; Meenakshi, J.V.; Nestel, Penelope; Sachdev, H.P.S.; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A..
Iron deficiency is a widespread nutritional problem in developing countries, causing impaired physical activity and cognitive development, as well as maternal mortality. Although food fortification and supplementation programmes have been effective in some countries, their overall success remains limited. Biofortification, that is, breeding crops for higher micronutrient content, is a relatively new approach. We propose a methodology for ex-ante impact assessment of iron biofortification, which builds on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and a large household data set. Our analysis of iron-rich rice and wheat in India indicates sizeable potential health benefits. The cost-effectiveness of iron biofortification compares favourably with other...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Biofortification; Plant breeding; Iron deficiency anaemia; Health benefits; DALYs; Cost-effectiveness; Cost-benefit analysis; India; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; I120; I180; I310; O150; O220; O330; Q180..
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Health Disparities in Rural Georgia: A Case Study of Liberty, Long, and McIntosh Counties AgEcon
Amponsah, William A.; Fuller, Whitney; Gibbison, Godfrey.
Health disparities can be defined as differences in the health status among distinct segments of the population including differences that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, or living in various geographic localities. When populations are disproportionately unhealthy, they are likely to be unable to maintain steady employment, and are more likely to rely on government assistance and support from others. We conduct a case study of three rural counties; Liberty, Long, and McIntosh to explore what factors explain the incidence of health disparities manifested in high blood pressure and heart disease. We test the hypotheses that older individuals are more likely to experience illness at a higher rate than the rest of the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Health disparities; High blood pressure; Heart disease; Rural community; Logistic model; Community/Rural/Urban Development; Health Economics and Policy; I100; I120; I180.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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