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Single particle analysis of aerosols, observed in the marine boundary layer during the Monterey Area Ship Tracks Experiment (MAST), with respect to cloud droplet formation OMA
De Bock, L.A.; Joos, P.E.; Noone, K.J.; Pockalny, R.A.; Van Grieken, R.E..
The chemical composition of individual particles >0.2 µm sampled during the MAST-experiment were analysed by SEM-EDX, in combination with multivariate techniques. The objective of this experiment was to identify the mechanisms responsible for the modification of marine stratocumulus clouds by emissions from ships and in a wider sense to provide information on the global processes involved in atmospheric modification of cloud albedo. Aerosols were examined under different MBL pollution levels (clean, intermediately polluted and moderately polluted) in five different reservoirs: background below-cloud and above-cloud aerosol; background cloud droplet residual particles; below-cloud ship plume aerosol and ship track cloud droplet residual particles. In...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aerosols; Albedo; Atmospheric boundary layer; Atmospheric particulates; Chemical composition; Clouds; Droplets; Pollution effects; INE.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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