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Phase lag between Intertropical Convergence Zone migration and subtropical monsoon onset over the northwestern Indian Ocean during Marine Isotopic Substage 6.5 (MIS 6.5) ArchiMer
Malaize, B.; Joly, C.; Venec-peyre, M. -t.; Bassinot, F.; Caillon, N.; Charlier, K..
High-resolution faunal and isotopic analyses of foraminifera were performed on core MD96-2073 (10 degrees 94'N, 52 degrees 62'E, 3142 m depth), located close to Socotra Island in the upwelling area of the Somali Basin ( NW Indian Ocean). This work focuses on Marine Isotopic Stage 6.5 in order to reconstruct paleo-upwelling changes and their links with the Arabian Sea summer monsoon and the migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Correspondence and cluster analyses of planktonic foraminiferal abundances, partly controlled by temperature and water mass productivity, together with an upwelling intensification index, show the occurrence of a strong upwelling between 176 and 165 ka. This upwelling intensification responds to a northward...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoclimatology; Foraminifera; Isotopes; Indian monsoon; ITCZ; Sapropels; Upwelling.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Tracking Indian monsoon variability from changes in sediment provenance ArchiMer
Awasthi, Neeraj; Ray, Jyotiranjan S.
Terrestrial and marine sediments preserved on the Indian sub-continent and in seas/oceans around it are excellent archives for studying and reconstructing past variations in monsoonal climate. Based on the multiproxy studies on the sediment cores, a coherent relationship between the intensities of the monsoon and glacial–interglacial conditions and a strong atmospheric teleconnection between the Asian and North Atlantic climates has been suggested. Terrestrial sediment cores clearly established that the variations in the monsoonal climate and/or change in glacial extant played an important role in varying weathering/erosion in source regions and relative supply of sediments. Marine sediment studies presented a more complicated picture because their...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate; Himalaya; Indian monsoon; Sediment cores; Sr-Nd isotopes; Weathering-erosion.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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