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An Analysis of Scope Economies and Specialisation Efficiencies Among Thai Shrimp and Rice Smallholders AgEcon
Mekhora, Thamrong; Fleming, Euan M..
Smallholders increasingly combine shrimp culture with the more traditional rice enterprise in regions of Thailand suitable for raising shrimps. They can exploit cost complementarities in production by combining activities in these enterprises within their farming systems. At the same time, it makes them more susceptible to on-farm negative externalities between rice and shrimp production, in both directions, causing scope diseconomies. A stochastic input distance model is estimated using data on shrimp and rice production by 52 smallholder households. Results from the estimated model are used to establish whether scope economies or diseconomies exist and whether specialisation in either shrimp or rice production significantly influences technical...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Scope economies; Specialisation efficiencies; Input distance function; Thailand; Smallholders; Technical efficiency; Crop Production/Industries; Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Brazilian Agricultural Productivity and Policy AgEcon
Rada, Nicholas E.; Buccola, Steven T..
Replaced with revised version of poster 07/29/11.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Brazilian agriculture; Embrapa; Input distance function; Stochastic frontier; Total factor productivity; Technical change; Efficiency; International Development; Productivity Analysis; O2; O3.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Economics and Productivity of Organic versus Non-organic Dairy Farms in the United States AgEcon
Gillespie, Jeffrey M.; Nehring, Richard F.; Hallahan, Charles B.; Morrison Paul, Catherine J.; Sandretto, Carmen L..
Technical and scale efficiencies are estimated for organic and non-organic dairy farms in the United States using an input distance function approach. A multinomial logit analysis is used to categorize the farms by technology. Large conventional farms outperformed smaller farms in most technology / organic / non-organic categories. There was high variability in net returns among the organics so that they did not differ significantly from the large conventional farms. The largest conventional non-organic operations and conventional organic operations tended to have the higher technical efficiencies.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic dairy production; Input distance function; Technical efficiency; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Estimating the Technical Optimal Scale of Production in Danish Agriculture AgEcon
Rasmussen, Svend.
This paper uses representative farm account data for 1985-2007 to estimate stochastic production frontiers in the form of input distance functions for Danish crop, dairy and pig farms. The objective is to study and compare scale economies for the three farm types. The estimated technical efficiency is relatively constant over time for all three farm types, but the elasticity of scale differs. Although the size of all farm types has increased considerably during the last 20 years, more than 95 % of the crop farms and 85 % of the dairy and pig farms are still below the estimated technical optimal scale of production. The results support the hypothesis that the restrictions concerning the amalgamation of farms and the purchase of farm land have seriously...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Scale economies; Agriculture; SPF; Input distance function; Technical optimal scale; Elasticity of scale; Farm Management.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Estimation of a Multi-Input Multi-Output Model of Lot-Fed Beef Cattle in Australia AgEcon
Fleming, Pauline; Fleming, Euan M.; Griffith, Garry R.; Johnston, David.
Most analyses of technical efficiency and productivity focus on the activities of firms or institutions using inputs to produce outputs. In this paper, we report the results of an efficiency analysis that is couched in a different context. We analyse the efficiency with which physical characteristics of individual lot-fed Australian beef cattle are combined with conventional inputs to produce a final product with several attributes that consumers value. Data on 214 animals across seven breeds were used to estimate a stochastic input distance function with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Estimates were obtained after controlling for differences between breeds, seasons and sex. Because of variations in feeding regimes for different markets, the data...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Beef; Feedlot; Input distance function; Meat quality; Scope economies; Technical efficiency; Livestock Production/Industries; Productivity Analysis.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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