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Estudo sobre a formação de madeira de espécies florestais nativas da Amazônia, plantadas a pleno sol. 14
AZEVEDO, C. P. de; DÜNISCH, O.; NEVES, E. J. M.; GARCIA, L. C.; LIMA, R. M. B. de.
Instalacao de ensaios (agro)florestais sobre areas abandonadas e/ou degradadas, com o objetivo de conhecer o comportamento de especies florestais (Carapa guianensis, Cedrela odorata, Ceiba pentandra, Dipteryx odorata, Hymenaea courbaril, Swietenia macrophylla, Tabebuia heptaphylla, Virola surinanmensis) em diferentes sistemas de plantio (plena abertura, faixas de enriquecimento e associacao com cultivos agricolas). Resultados preliminares sobre a dinamica de crescimento do cambio das arvores (tecnica pin-marker) indicaram diferencas significativas entre as especies, com destaque para C. pentandra e H. courbaril.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Tabebuia heptaphylla; Virola surinanmensis; Agrofloresta; Brasil; Amazonas; Insolation; Andiroba; Ceiba Pentandra; Carapa Guianensis; Cedrela Odorata; Cedro; Cumaru; Dipteryx Odorata; Essência Florestal; Hymenaea Courbaril; Insolação; Madeira; Jatobá; Ipê; Mogno; Paineira; Silvicultura; Swietenia Macrophylla; Ucuuba; Agroforestry; Forest trees; Wood.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Holocene long- and short-term climate changes off Adelie Land, East Antarctica 5
Crosta, X.; Debret, M.; Denis, D.; Courty, M. A.; Ther, O..
Diatom data from a marine sediment core give insight on Holocene changes in sea- surface conditions and climate at high southern latitudes off Adelie Land, East Antarctica. The early to mid- Holocene was warmer than the late Holocene with a transition at similar to 4000 calendar years B. P. Sea ice was less present and spring- summer growing season was greater during the warm period relative to the cold one, thus limiting sea ice diatom production and favoring more open ocean diatom to develop. The long- term Holocene climatic evolution in East Antarctica is explained by a combination of a delayed response to local seasonal insolation changes coupled to the long memory of the Southern Ocean. Abrupt variations of the diatom relative abundances, indicating...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Sea ice; Holocene; Insolation; Thermohaline circulation.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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The timing of Mediterranean sapropel deposition relative to insolation, sea-level and African monsoon changes 5
Grant, K. M.; Grimm, R.; Mikolajewicz, U.; Marino, G.; Ziegler, M.; Rohling, E. J..
The Mediterranean basin is sensitive to global sea-level changes and African monsoon variability on orbital timescales. Both of these processes are thought to be important to the deposition of organic-rich sediment layers or 'sapropels' throughout the eastern Mediterranean, yet their relative influences remain ambiguous. A related issue is that an assumed 3-kyr lag between boreal insolation maxima and sapropel mid-points remains to be tested. Here we present new geochemical and ice-volume-corrected planktonic foraminiferal stable isotope records for sapropels S1 (Holocene), S3, S4, and S5 (Marine Isotope Stage 5) in core LC21 from the southern Aegean Sea. The records have a radiometrically constrained chronology that has already been synchronised with the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Mediterranean; Sapropels; African monsoon; Sea level; Ice sheets; Insolation; Precession; Meltwater pulses.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Climate variability and ice-sheet dynamics during the last three glaciations 5
Obrochta, Stephen P.; Crowley, Thomas J.; Channell, James E. T.; Hodell, David A.; Baker, Paul A.; Seki, Arisa; Yokoyama, Yusuke.
A composite North Atlantic record from DSDP Site 609 and IODP Site U1308 spans the past 300,000 years and shows that variability within the penultimate glaciation differed substantially from that of the surrounding two glaciations. Hematite-stained grains exhibit similar repetitive down-core variations within the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 and 4-2 intervals, but little cyclic variability within the MIS 6 section. There is also no petrologic evidence, in terms of detrital carbonate-rich (Heinrich) layers, for surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet through the Hudson Strait during MIS 6. Rather, very high background concentration of iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) indicates near continuous glacial meltwater input that likely increased thermohaline disruption...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Insolation; IRD; Heinrich Event; MIS 6; MIS 8; AMOC.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Inception of the Northern European ice sheet due to contrasting ocean and insolation forcing 5
Risebrobakken, Bjorg; Dokken, Trond; Ottera, Odd Helge; Jansen, Eystein; Gao, Yongqi; Drange, Helge.
About 115,000 yr ago the last interglacial reached its terminus and nucleation of new ice-sheet growth was initiated. Evidence from the northernmost Nordic Seas indicate that the inception of the last glacial was related to an intensification of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in its northern limb. The enhanced AMOC, combined with minimum Northern hemisphere insolation, introduced a strong sea-land thermal gradient that, together with a strong wintertime latitudinal insolation gradient, increased the storminess and moisture transport to the high Northern European latitudes at a time when the Northern hemisphere summer insolation approached its minimum.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glacial inception; Nordic Seas; Northern European ice sheets; Palco-reconstruction; OGCM; AMOC; Insolation; Insolation gradient.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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