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Assessing environmental impacts using a comparative LCA of industrial and artisanal production processes: "Minas Cheese" case Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Nigri,Elbert Muller; Barros,Aline Capanema de; Rocha,Sonia Denise Ferreira; Romeiro Filho,Eduardo.
This study uses the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to evaluate and compare the environmental impacts caused by both the artisanal and the industrial manufacturing processes of "Minas cheese". This is a traditional cheese produced in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil), and it is considered a "cultural patrimony" in the country. The high participation of artisanal producers in the market justifies this research, and this analysis can help the identification of opportunities to improve the environmental performance of several stages of the production system. The environmental impacts caused were also assessed and compared. The functional unit adopted was 1 kilogram (Kg) of cheese. The system boundaries considered were the production process,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: LCA; Life Cycle Assessments; Industrial production; Artisanal process; Minas" cheese; Environmental impact.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Cultivating biomass locally or importing it? LCA of biomass provision scenarios for cleaner electricity production in a small tropical island ArchiMer
Chary, Killian; Aubin, Joel; Guinde, Loic; Sierra, Jorge; Blazy, Jean-marc.
Biomass is a promising renewable alternative to decarbonize and to secure energy production on small islands, as most insular power generation systems rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Feedstock procurement is a key aspect of bioenergy chain sustainability, and local resources as well as imported biomass can be considered if the electricity generated presents environmental benefits. We used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of 1 kWh of electricity produced in Guadeloupe from the combustion of locally grown energy cane and imported wood pellets. The energy cane agricultural supply was simulated using a bio-economic model to elaborate and analyze five scenarios involving different biomass mixes and geographical areas of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: LCA; Electricity; Energy cane; Wood pellet; Islands; Saccharum sp..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Combination of the Swiss agrarian sector model SILAS-dyn with the life cycle assessment tool SALCA AgEcon
Zimmermann, Albert.
The agricultural sector model SILAS-dyn has been used by Agroscope ART for 10 years for the political advisory of the Swiss agricultural administration. To evaluate the environmental effects of different policy scenarios, a LCA module has been developed, connecting a hierarchical linkage to an existing LCA calculating tool. This lowers the formulation input and simplifies the adaptation of updated environmental models. The results of four scenarios show, through the example of energy use as an environmental impact, that indirect effects, such as energy use in the context of imported concentrates, can influence conclusions significantly. The scenario suggesting an increase of fertiliser prices does not change the results significantly, whereas higher energy...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sector model; LP; Political advisory; LCA; Income; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Material flow determination through agricultural machinery management Scientia Agricola
Romanelli,Thiago Libório; Milan,Marcos.
The approach of material embodiment in agricultural production systems is important because it determines the convergence of inputs (indirectly, the natural resources) to the field. Additionally, material flow is the basis for both environmental (energy analysis, emergy synthesis, life-cycle analysis and carbon inventories) and economical analyses. Since different materials cannot compose a single index, generally these flows are not shown, making comparisons among approaches difficult. Another aspect that makes comparisons difficult is the definition of the boundary of the studied system. If these boundaries differ, results will also be different, hiding actual distinctions among systems. The present study aims to suggest an arrangement of existing models...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: LCA; Material embodiment; Environmental management; Mechanization.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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