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The European Landing Obligation. Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries ArchiMer
Uhlmann, Sven Sebastian; Ulrich, Clara; Kennelly, Steven J.
This open access book provides a comprehensive examination of the European Landing Obligation policy from many relevant perspectives. It includes evaluations of its impacts at economical, socio-cultural, ecological and institutional levels. It also discusses the feasibility and benefits of several potential mitigation strategies. The book was timely published, exactly at the time where the Landing Obligation was planned to be fully implemented. This book is of significant interest to all stakeholders involved, but also to the general public of Europe and to other jurisdictions throughout the world that are also searching for ways to deal with by-catch and discard issues.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard; Fish By-catch; Marine spatial planning; European waters; Landing obligation; Ecosystems; Fish stocks; NGO; Fisheries policy; MINOUW; DiscardLess; Open Access.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Survival of European plaice discarded from coastal otter trawl fisheries in the English Channel ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Kopp, Dorothee; Benoit, Hugues P.; Mehault, Sonia; Randall, Peter; Foster, Robert; Catchpole, Thomas.
Species that have a high likelihood of surviving the discarding process have become great concern since the European Union reformed the Common Fisheries Policy and enacted a landing obligation prohibiting the discarding any individuals of species under quota. Among species presenting an elevated survival potential, plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is one of the most discarded in the coastal otter trawl fishery in the English Channel. The objective of this study is to provide the most reliable estimates of plaice survival after release in commercial conditions, and to identify the factors that influence survival rates. A captivity experiment was conducted in January–February in the English fishery to assess the survival of discarded plaice as a function of a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Pleuronectes platessa; Vitality; Captivity experiment; Discard survival analysis; Bottom trawl.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Bycatch and discards: from improved knowledge to mitigation programmes Introduction ArchiMer
Rochet, Marie-joelle; Catchpole, Tom; Cadrin, Steve.
Discarding is considered by many as an important problem in world fisheries. In many regions, data collection onboard commercial vessels has intensified, and the understanding of both human and ecological drivers of discards is improving quickly. Discarding patterns vary widely across regions, fisheries, gears, and species. Fishers' responses to regulations and markets explain these complex patterns, on top of resource availability partly driven by environmental fluctuations. This expanded knowledge base provides an appropriate basis for discussing the discard mitigation measures proposed in various settings. In September 2012, a theme session was convened at the ICES Annual Science Conference in Bergen, Norway, to discuss these issues. This themed set of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bycatch and discards; Catch quotas; Compliance; Landing obligation; Landing quotas; Market incentives; Minimum landing sizes; Onboard observer programmes; Selectivity.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Discarding of cod in the Danish Fully Documented Fisheries trials ArchiMer
Ulrich, Clara; Olesen, Hans Jakob; Bergsson, Heidrikur; Egekvist, Josefine; Hakansson, Kirsten Birch; Dalskov, Jorgen; Kindt-larsen, Lotte; Storr-paulsen, Marie.
Denmark was the first nation in Europe to promote the use of Fully Documented Fisheries (FDF) through Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) and CCTV camera systems, with pilot schemes in place since 2008. In theory, such a scheme could supplement and even potentially replace expensive control and monitoring programmes; and when associated with a catch quota management (CQM) system, incentivize positive changes in fishing patterns in a results-based management approach. New data flows are, however, required to ensure the practical implementation of such a scheme. This paper reviews the quality of the FDF data collected during 2008-2014 and their potential in strengthening information on cod discards. The analyses demonstrate the improved reporting of discards...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catch quota management; Data collection; Discard; Electronic monitoring; Fully Documented Fisheries; Landing obligation; North Sea cod.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Spatial distribution of discards in mixed fisheries: species trade-offs, potential spatial avoidance and national contrasts ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Calderwood, Julia; Radford, Zachary; Catchpole, Tom; Reid, David G.; Pawlowski, Lionel.
Since 2015, the European Union gradually implemented the landing obligation (LO). This prohibits at-sea discarding of species under total allowable catch management. Spatiotemporal avoidance strategies and increasing fishing gear selectivity are two complementary levers that could help fishers in reducing the amount of discards. The objective of this paper is to analyse discarding practices of demersal mixed fisheries in the central part of the Celtic Sea to inform on potential spatial avoidance strategies of unwanted catches in a multi-species context. This study provides the first international and fine scale discard maps based on combined observer at-sea data from Ireland, France and the UK, the main countries fishing in the area. Using a suite of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries management; Landing obligation; Discards; Mixed fisheries; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Impact d’une obligation de débarquement sur les dynamiques couplées écosystème-pêcheurs : approche par modélisation individu-centrée appliquée à la Manche orientale ArchiMer
Bourdaud, Pierre.
The objective of this thesis was to anticipate the effects if the EU Landing Obligation (LO) implemented since the beginning of 2015 in the Eastern English Channel (EEC). To achieve these objectives, it was planned to: i) better understand seasonal spatial distribution of commercial species using on-board commercial vessels observation data, ii) compare them with the fine scale fishing effort distribution of EEC bottom otter trawlers (OTB), and iii) develop an individual-based model of fleet-dynamics, DSVM, to be integrated within the ecosystem model OSMOSE to simulate a LO. The usefulness of on-board observation data was proved for a main part of a species sample, using validation from the literature and a geostatistical indicator. Then the comparison of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Distribution spatiale; Saisonnalité; Données commerciales; Données de campagnes scientifiques; Manche Orientale; Effort de pêche; Assemblages d’espèces cibles; Obligation de débarquement; Modèle individu-centré; Dynamiques des flottilles; Spatial distribution; Seasonality; Commercial data; Survey data; Eastern English Channel; Fishing effort; Target species assemblages; Landing obligation; Individual-based model; Fleet dynamics.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Achieving maximum sustainable yield in mixed fisheries: a management approach for the North Sea demersal fisheries ArchiMer
Ulrich, Clara; Vermard, Youen; Dolder, Paul J.; Brunel, Thomas; Jardim, Ernesto; Holmes, Steven J.; Kempf, Alexander; Mortensen, Lars O.; Poos, Jan-jaap; Rindorf, Anna.
Achieving single species maximum sustainable yield (MSY) in complex and dynamic fisheries targeting multiple species (mixed fisheries) is challenging because achieving the objective for one species may mean missing the objective for another. The North Sea mixed fisheries are a representative example of an issue that is generic across most demersal fisheries worldwide, with the diversity of species and fisheries inducing numerous biological and technical interactions. Building on a rich knowledge base for the understanding and quantification of these interactions, new approaches have emerged. Recent paths towards operationalizing MSY at the regional scale have suggested the expansion of the concept into a desirable area of “pretty good yield”, implemented...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Choke species; Common Fisheries Policy; Fleet modelling; FMSY ranges; Landing obligation; Management plan; Pretty good yield.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Hotspot mapping in the Celtic Sea: An interactive tool using multinational data to optimise fishing practices ArchiMer
Calderwood, Julia; Robert, Marianne; Pawlowski, Lionel; Vermard, Youen; Radford, Zachary; Catchpole, Thomas L.; Reid, David G..
As a result of the introduction of the Landing Obligation in European fisheries there is a need to equip industry with the tools and knowledge to avoid unwanted catches. Optimising fishing practices in terms of time and location fished have been acknowledged as being important in modulating catch composition. Mapping techniques used to identify and manage the spatio-temporal nature of bycatch, however, remain underutilized. Data collected on board commercial fishing vessels by observers provides an important source of information on the component of catches discarded. Using a unique dataset, combining observer data for Irish, French and British vessels operating in the Celtic Sea between 2010 and 2015, maps were developed to identify where catches of quota...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Discards; Consistent maps; Fishing tactics; Shiny app; Celtic sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Narrowing down the number of species requiring detailed study as candidates for the EU Common Fisheries Policy discard ban ArchiMer
Morfin, Marie; Mehault, Sonia; Benoit, Hugues P.; Kopp, Dorothee.
By 2019, the Common Fisheries Policy will prohibit discarding in all European fisheries of any pelagic, demersal or shellfish species for which removals are managed by TACs and quotas or minimum sizes. However, the regulation allows for exemptions from the prohibition for species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates associated with discarding. Producing reliable evidence of high survival typically requires long and costly studies involving tagging or captivity. This paper proposes to use the capacity to resist air exposure, a key stressor for discarded animals, as a proxy for survival that can be used to prioritize candidate species for more in-depth discard survival studies. The time required to induce mortality (TM) in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Landing obligation; Discard mortality; Hypoxia; Artisanal bottom trawl fishery; Bay of Biscay; English Channel.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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