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Hip Joint Ligaments, a Cadaver Imaging Study for Education International Journal of Morphology
Shin,Dong Sun; Hwang,Sung Bae; Park,Jin Seo; Park,Hyung Seon; Lee,Sangho; Lee,Seung-Bock; Chung,Min Suk.
The stereoscopic morphology of the iliofemoral, pubofemoral, and ischiofemoral ligaments in hip joint is hard to understand, either in anatomy books or from cadaver dissection. To aid in understanding, three-dimensional models were built from the sectioned images of cadaver hip, which demonstrate fine components better than CTs and MRIs. In the female data of Visible Korean project, the ligaments and neighboring structures were recognized and outlined in detail. Successively, the outlines were stacked and reconstructed to manufacture their surface models by using the sophisticated computer method. The surface models were overlapped with the original sectioned images, which enhanced comprehension of the hip joint anatomy. With the surface models, hip joint...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Hip joint; Ligaments; Visible Human Projects; Cross-sectional anatomy; Three-dimensional imaging.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Relationship of the Celiac Trunk with Median Arcuate Ligament of the Diaphragm International Journal of Morphology
Petrella,Selma; Rodriguez,Celio Fernando de Sousa; Sgrott,Emerson Alexandre; Fernandes,Geraldo José Medeiros; Marques,Sergio Ricardo; Prates,José Carlos.
In the present study different positions of the median arcuate ligament in relation to the celiac trunk as well as measurements of overlap and distance, also the approach between the two structures were investigated. In addition histological studies of the diaphragm crura and the median arcuate ligament were performed. Sixty-three cadavers fixed in formalin 10% aqueous solution and 20 non-fixed adult cadavers of both sexes were studied. Dissections of the celiac trunk were performed after dissection of the peritoneal cavity in the laboratories of the Anatomy Division of the UNIFESP-EPM, UNILUS and UNISA, and during necropsies in the City Morgue of the UNIFESP-EPM and USP. Regarding morphological analysis under light microscopy, three non-fixed cadavers...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Celiac trunk; Ligaments; Syndrome; Diaphragm; Arterial occlusive disease.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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