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Comparison of visual census and high definition video transects for monitoring coral reef fish assemblages ArchiMer
Pelletier, Dominique; Leleu, Kevin; Mou-tham, Gerard; Guillemot, Nicolas; Chabanet, Pascale.
Monitoring fish and underwater habitats, particularly in and around marine protected areas (MPAs) requires non-destructive observation methods. This is generally achieved by divers conducting underwater visual censuses (UVC), but video-based techniques are now being used more often to observe underwater macrofauna and habitats. A comparison of these two techniques is relevant with the development of high-definition (HD) video, which constitutes a substantial improvement over previously available video resolutions at limited extra cost. We conducted a paired observation experiment involving both HD video and UVC in an MPA located in the New Caledonian lagoon, which is a highly diversified coral reef ecosystem. We compared three techniques for counting fish...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish assemblages; MPA monitoring; High-definition underwater video; Underwater visual censuses (UVC); Coral reefs.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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