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Premières propositions pour un indice de composition du phytoplancton, basé sur les résultats des méthodes pigments et diversité génétique. Action 3 - Indice Composition - Livrable 1. Rapport final, mars 2015. ArchiMer
Siano, Raffaele; Delmas, Daniel; Lampert, Luis.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Pigments; Indice composition; Diversité pigmentaire; Metabarcoding; Picoplancton; Mamiellophyceae; Chlb; Golfe de Gascogne; Panache de la Gironde; Phytoplankton; Pigments; Composition index; Pigment diversity; Metabarcoding; Picoplankton; Mamiellophyceae; Chlb; Gulf of Biscay; River Gironde plume.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Définition d’un indice composition pour le phytoplancton en Manche- Atlantique, à partir des données du micro-phytoplancton du REPHY et des réseaux régionaux, et des mesures complémentaires de la flore phytoplanctonique acquises avec des techniques novatrices. Action 3 – Livrable 1. Propositions pour un indice de composition du phytoplancton, basé sur les résultats des méthodes microscopie, pigments et diversité génétique. Rapport final, février 2016 ArchiMer
Hernandez Farinas, Tania; Brun, Melanie; Siano, Raffaele; Delmas, Daniel.
This deliverable is composed of two reports which propose indice of phytoplankton composition, based respectively on the results of pigment and genetic diversity methods, and the results of microscopy method. Proposals based on the results of pigment and genetic diversity methods. The present work is a continuation of several studies carried out in the past (Siano and Delmas, 2013, 2015) on investigating an indicator of phytoplankton diversity using two methods complementary to optical microscopy: the genetic diversity analyzed with metabarcoding (exhaustive analysis of the diversity and relative abundance of OTUs, i.e. groups of sequences identified by their genetic resemblance) and the pigmentary diversity (analysis of the diversity and abundance of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metabarcoding; OTUs; Pigments; Picophytoplancton; Indice composition; Niche ecologique; Mamiellophyceae; Chlorophylle b; Rade de Brest; Bretagne sud; Panache de la Gironde; Denombrements du micro-phytoplancton; Abondance totale; Monotonicite; Linearite; Pressions; Facade Manche-Atlantique; Metabarcoding; OTUs; Pigments; Picophytoplankton; Composition indice; Ecological niche; Mamiellophyceae; Chlorophyll b; Brest Bay; Southern Britain; Gironde plume; Micro-phytoplankton counts; Total abundance; Monotonicity; Linearity; Pressure; Channel-Atlantic coast.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Simplified Transformation of Ostreococcus tauri Using Polyethylene Glycol ArchiMer
Sanchez, Frédéric; Geffroy, Solene; Norest, Manon; Yau, Sheree; Moreau, Hervé; Grimsley, Nigel.
Ostreococcus tauri is an easily cultured representative of unicellular algae (class Mamiellophyceae) that abound in oceans worldwide. Eight complete 13–22 Mb genomes of phylogenetically divergent species within this class are available, and their DNA sequences are nearly always present in metagenomic data produced from marine samples. Here we describe a simplified and robust transformation protocol for the smallest of these algae (O. tauri). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) treatment was much more efficient than the previously described electroporation protocol. Short (2 min or less) incubation times in PEG gave >104 transformants per microgram DNA. The time of cell recovery after transformation could be reduced to a few hours, permitting the experiment to be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chlorophyta; Prasinophyte; Mamiellophyceae; Ostreococcus; Plankton; Picoeukaryote; Ecosystem; Bioluminescence; Promoter; Luciferase; Gene expression.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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