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Genetic variability in regenerated Metarhizium flavoviride protoplasts BABT
Kuklinsky-Sobral,Júlia; Luna-Alves-Lima,Elza Áurea de; Araújo,Janete Magali de; Azevedo,João Lúcio.
Protoplast isolation and regeneration were evaluated in two wild-type and two colour mutant strains of Metarhizium flavoviride. Cultivation in liquid medium, followed by mycelium treatment with Novozym 234 in the presence of KCl 0.7M as osmotic stabilizer, produced 5.05 x 10(6) to 1.15 x 10(7)x mL-1 protoplasts. The percentage of regeneration ranged from 6.65 to 27.92%. Following protoplast regeneration, one strain produced spontaneously stable morphological variant colonies. Although colonies with altered morphology have been reported in bacteria following protoplast regeneration, this is the first time that the same is described in a filamentous fungus. The original strain and one derived variant were tested for sensitivity to the fungicides benomyl and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Metarhizium flavoviride; Protoplasts; Genetic variability; Benomyl; Captan.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Growth and sporulation of Metarhizium flavoviride var. Flavoviride on culture media and lighting regimes Scientia Agricola
Onofre,Sideney Becker; Miniuk,Cindia Mara; Barros,Neiva Monteiro de; Azevedo,João Lúcio.
Entomopathogenic fungi from the genus Metarhizium are largely used for the biological control of agricultural pests by conidia spreading on the field. Although conidia production is well studied in M. anisopliae, only few research studies were done in M. flavoviride. The present work was carried out alming to evaluate the Mycelial growth and sporulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium flavoviride var. flavoviride growing at 27 ± 2°C on Potato-dextrose-agar (PDA), Czapek-agar (CZP) and a complete agar medium (CM) under three lighting regimes, (continuous illumination, light/dark cycle and an black light/dark cycle) were investigated. A completely randomized 3 × 3 (culture media × lighting regime) factorial design with four replicates was used....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Metarhizium flavoviride; Mycelial growth; Culture media; Lighting regimes.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Genetic variation in the cuticle-degrading protease activity of the entomopathogen Metarhizium flavoviride Genet. Mol. Biol.
Pinto,Fabiana Gisele da Silva; Fungaro,Maria Helena Pelegrinelli; Ferreira,Josué Maldonado; Valadares-Inglis,Maria Cléria; Furlaneto,Marcia Cristina.
Extracellular proteases have been shown to be factors of virulence in fungal entomopathogenicity. We examined the production of the cuticle-degrading extracellular proteases chymoelastase (Pr1) and trypsin (Pr2) in isolates of the fungus Metarhizium flavoviride. Fungal growth was in a mineral medium (MM) containing nitrate, and in MM supplemented with either cuticle from Rhammatocerus schistocercoides or with the non-cuticular substrate casein. The substrates used for growth influenced the expression of both analyzed proteases, the highest protease activities of nearly all isolates having been observed in the medium containing insect cuticle, with more Pr1 than Pr2 being produced. There was a natural variability in the production of cuticle-degrading...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Metarhizium flavoviride; Rhammatocerus schistocercoides; Chymoelastase (subtilisin) (Pr1); Trypsin (Pr2).
Ano: 2002 URL:
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