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Towards a phylogenetic reappraisal of Parmulariaceae and Asterinaceae (Dothideomycetes) Naturalis
Guatimosim, E.; Firmino, A.L.; Bezerra, J.L.; Pereira, O.L.; Barreto, R.W.; Crous, P.W..
Members of the Asterinaceae and Parmulariaceae are obligate biotrophic fungi with a pantropical distribution that grow in direct association with living plant tissues and produce external ascomata and bitunicate asci. These fungi are poorly known, with limited information about their taxonomic position in the Dothideomycetes. Much of what is known is conjectural and based on observation of morphological characters. An assessment of the phylogenetic position of the Asterinaceae and Parmulariaceae is provided based on a phylogenetic analysis of the nrDNA operon (ITS) and the large subunit rDNA (LSU) sequence data obtained from fresh material of selected species collected in Brazil. Three key species were included and epitypified, namely Asterina melastomatis,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Asterinales; Epitype; Neotropical fungi; Taxonomic novelties; Type species.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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