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Range extension of the tanaidid Zeuxo holdichi (Bamber, 1990) along the northern coasts of France? ArchiMer
Foveau, Aurelie; Pezy, Jean-philippe; Bauxi, Noemie; Baffreau, Alexandrine; Bachelet, Quentin; Chouquet, Bastien; Dancie, Chloe; Ruellet, Thierry; Dauvin, Jean-claude.
The tanaidacean crustacean, Zeuxo holdichi was first described from Arcachon Bay, France, by Bamber in 1990. Since then, this species has been recorded several times in Europe, from Iberian Peninsula to Germany. In this present study, we report new records of this species along the northern coasts of France bordering the English Channel. It is hypothesized that Z. holdichi is being spread because of aquaculture activities.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crustacea; Tanaids; Zeuxo holdichi; English Channel; Northern distribution.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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