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Fertilization: trade-offs between manure abatement and plant productivity 31
Van der Straeten, Bart; Buysse, Jeroen; Marchand, Fleur L.; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Claeys, Dakerlia; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido.
In 2005, 30% of the Flemish farms faced a manure excess, while at aggregated level still 9.7% of the emission rights were unused. This means that, despite the various possibilities, Flemish farmers do not succeed in an effective exchange of manure between farms. In current paper is shown how inorganic fertilizer use influences the use and exchange of organic nitrogen. Because of the mutual interdependency between organic and inorganic nitrogen emission rights (or quota), inorganic nitrogen use limits the emission rights for organic nitrogen. Utilisation of these emission rights are analysed as a trade-offs choice between plant productivity (use of inorganic nitrogen) and manure disposal, as the major abatement alternative of manure production. Farmers...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Manure abatement; Nutrient emission rights; Tobit model; Crop Production/Industries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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