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Sandwaves, internal waves and sediment mobility at the shelf-edge in the celtic sea ArchiMer
Heathershaw, Ad; Codd, Jm.
Considerations of sediment mobility and unusual wavelength pattern changes in large sandwaves lying deep in the Celtic Sea, suggest that these features are probably formed as a result of internai wave perturbations on a tidally driven stream of sediment transport. In particular it is shown that while currents due to the surface tides alone are capable of transporting the sediments, it is necessary to invoke an internai wave mechanism to give the observed pattern of wavelength change across the sandwave field. Cartwright's (1959) internallee-wave model is found to give qualitative agreement with the observed decrease in sandwave wavelength with increasing distance from the shelf-break.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dunes; Ondes internes; Mer Celtique; Sandwaves; Internai waves; Celtic sea.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Refroidissements locaux aux abords du talus continental Armoricain ArchiMer
Langlois, Gilbert; Gohin, Francis; Serpette, Alain.
Infrared measurement at the sea surface, which constitutes an operational technology in remote-sensing, has become essential for the study of ocean dynamics. Nevertheless, observations are only usable when clouds do not mask infrared radiation coming from the ocean, a condition which rarely pertains in the Bay of Biscay as a whole. lt is consequently a matter of primary concern to have at one's disposai an effective method which permits the computation of mean SST fields from a chronological succession of incomplete images. In the case under consideration, "kriging" is the most widely practised method of performing geostatistical estimates. Before mapping isotherms, temperatures are estimated by interpolation on a regular gridnet. The process was applied...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ondes internes; Talus continental; Température superficielle; Télédétection; Analyse objective; Internal waves; Continental shelf; Sea-surface temperature; Teledetection; Objective analysis.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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The influence of quasi resonant internal waves on the radar imaging mechanism of shallow sea bottom topography ArchiMer
Hennings, I; Metzner, M; De Loor, Gp.
During previous field experiments in the North Sea it was often assumed that the water column in such shallow coastal tidal waters is vertically well mixed and stratification was neglected when discussing the Normalized Radar Cross Section modulation caused by the sea floor. In this paper the influence of quasi resonant internal waves with the sea bed on the radar imaging mechanism of submarine sand waves itself is investigated. In situ data of the tidal cur-rent velocity and several water quality parameters such as sea surface temperature, fluorescence. and beam transmittance were measured in the Southern Bight of the North Sea in April 1991. Simulations of the total NRCS modulation caused by sand waves and internal waves as a function of the current...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mécanisme des images radar; Topographie des fond marins; Stratification; Ondes internes; Radar imaging mechanism; Sea bottom topography; Stratification internal wave; Strain rate.
Ano: 2002 URL:
Registros recuperados: 3
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