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What is the Difference in Profit per Acre between Organic and Conventional Coffee? AgEcon
Jensen, Jennifer; Dicks, Michael R..
The research addresses the economic problem of deforestation. A contributing factor to deforestation is coffee production. Coffee is an indigenous plant that is naturally occurring in the native tropical forests. However, conventional coffee is grown on cleared forest soil. In the native forest there is the potential for additional fruits (bananas, mangoes, avocados) and wood products while in the conventional coffee production system the only product is coffee. Conventional coffee production often causes deforestation and soil erosion while the organic coffee production system does not. In addition, the price risk associated with the coffee monoculture is high and has proven disastrous to the sustainability of coffee production in past years. Thus,...
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Coffee; Inputs; Outputs; Species variation; Costa Rica; Organic; Conventional; Agribusiness; Crop Production/Industries; Environmental Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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แรงจูงใจและผลด้านเศรษฐกิจของเกษตรกรผู้ผลิตผักปลอดสารพิษ บ้านสว่าง ตำบลห้วยเตย อำเภอซำสูง จังหวัดขอนแก่น Thai Agricultural
Krailert Taweekul.
The research aim to study the motivation and the economic characteristics of farmers participated in chemically free vegetable production by using underground water. Various research methods had been used: interview and focus group at Swang village Samsung district, Khon Kaen province. Then, the data had been analyzed by using statistic test: frequency, percentage average and regression, after that explanation also was used to describe. The study found that the member of group had annual farm income average 72,941 baht per household, while their expenditures on farm totaled 62,560 baht per household per year. Their motivations of them to participate the group were: 1) need land to cultivate vegetable, 2) need the cultivate land nearby houses, 3) water for...
Tipo: Collection Palavras-chave: Chemically free vegetable; Ground water; Organic; Khon Kaen province; ผักปลอดสารพิษ; สารอินทรีย์; แรงจูงใจ; เทคโนโลยีการผลิต; รายได้; ต้นทุนการผลิต; ครัวเรือน; จ.ขอนแก่น อ.ซำสูง.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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