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La dynamique sedimentaire dans les estuaires de la Baie de Seine. Consequences sur l''environnement ArchiMer
Avoine, J; Dubrulle, L; Larsonneur, C.
Tides and fluvial flow rate, factors of estuarine dynamics, explain physicochemical and biological properties, silting and clogging of these environments. Seine Bay is a macrotidal environment into which discharge several estuaries (Seine, Orne, Veys Bay). After speaking about the characteristics of water and sediment dynamics, the authors deal with the effects of man-made modifications and the necessity to protect the environment.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France; Basse Normandie; Orne estuary Temporal variations Sedimentation Stream flow Residual flow Environmental effects Estuaries Sediment dynamics.
Ano: 1985 URL:
Registros recuperados: 1
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