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Unilateral Quadripartite Composition of Pectoral Major Muscle: Anatomical Description and Clinical Implications International Journal of Morphology
Dhuria,Ruchi; Mehta,Vandana; Loh,Hitendra; Arora,Jyoti; Roy,Sanchita; Suri,Rajesh; Rath,Gayatri.
A unilateral anomalous disposition of the muscular slips of pectoralis major was observed in an adult male cadaver during routine gross anatomy teaching session. The pectoralis major muscle displayed unusual configuration and comprised of four parts delineated by three intramuscular clefts. Further, the sternocostal part was found to divide into two fasciculi. The origin and insertion of pectoralis major muscle was as usual and unremarkable. Interestingly, the innervation of the muscle was observed to bear an important variation. The clavicular and sternocostal slips of pectoralis major muscle received a direct branch from the lateral cord of brachial plexus in addition to its usual innervation from the lateral and medial pectoral nerves. The multiplicity...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pectoralis major muscle; Muscle; Anomaly; Innervation.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Costodorsalis ­ an Additional Slip of Pectoralis Major Muscle: a Case Report International Journal of Morphology
Shetty,Surekha D; Nayak,Satheesha B; Kumar,Naveen; Somayaji,S. N; Rao,Mohandas K. G.
Occurrence of variant muscular slips from pectoralis major muscle is rare. In this report, we present a rare case of aberrant muscular slip associated with the pectoralis major muscle which we call costodorsalis. This muscular slip originated from the 6th rib near the costochondral junction and ran along the lower border of pectoralis major muscle. It crossed the axilla from medial to lateral side and merged with the latissimus dorsi muscle. This type of origin and insertion is unique and has not been reported earlier. The knowledge of this muscle variation may be of special importance to the anesthesiologists, physiotherapists and plastic surgeons.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Pectoralis major muscle; Latissimus dorsi muscle; Axilla; Variant muscular slip.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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