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Subseafloor stratigraphic profiling and soil classification from piezocone tests: A case study in the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) ArchiMer
Lafuerza, S.; Frigola, J.; Canals, M.; Jouet, Gwenael; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Sultan, Nabil; Berne, Serge.
We show the results provided by piezocone tests in determining the stratigraphic profile and the soil classification of two drilling sites in the outer shelf and the upper slope of the Gulf of Lion, PRGL2 and PRGL1, respectively. Correlations with grain-size data indicate that sleeve friction can be used for profiling fine-grained sediments (site PRGL1), whereas cone tip resistance is the most adequate for sequences made of alternations of coarse- and fine-grained intervals (site PRGL2). Normalized cone resistance and friction ratio proved to be also appropriate for soil stratigraphy as it depicts trends in the coarse fraction of the tested soil. Silts and clays present in similar proportions at site PRGL1 responded to piezocone testing as pure clays...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lion; Soil classification; Stratigraphy; Piezocone.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Sea-level change and free gas occurrence influencing a submarine landslide and pockmark formation and distribution in deepwater Nigeria ArchiMer
Riboulot, Vincent; Cattaneo, Antonio; Sultan, Nabil; Garziglia, Sebastien; Ker, Stephan; Imbert, Patrice; Voisset, Michel.
A series of pockmarks observed at the seabed matches well the perimeter of a large submarine landslide, called NG1, located on the outer shelf and continental slope of the Eastern Gulf of Guinea. NG1 extends over 200 km2, is covered by a 120-m thick sedimentary layer which tapers downslope, and has an internal structure clearly identified in 3D seismic data consisting of three adjacent units on the upper continental slope. The pockmarks above NG1 have a diameter of several tens of meters and reveal distinct origins: (1) linked to >500 m deep fluid reservoirs, (2) rooted in NG1 internal discontinuities between NG1 units, and (3) well above NG1, superficially rooted in a regional conformity (D40), which marks the lowest sea level of the Marine Isotope...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pockmarks; Fluid seepage; Submarine landslide; Sea-level changes; Piezocone; Niger Delta.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Initiation of gas-hydrate pockmark in deep-water Nigeria: Geo-mechanical analysis and modelling ArchiMer
Riboulot, Vincent; Sultan, Nabil; Imbert, P.; Ker, Stephan.
A review of recent literature shows that two geomorphologically different types of pockmarks, contribute to gas seepage at the seafloor. Type-1 pockmarks are defined as seafloor craters associated to fluid seepage and are the most classical type referred to as “pockmarks” in the literature. In contrast, Type-2 pockmarks reveal a complex seafloor morphology that may result from the formation/decomposition of gas hydrates in underlying sedimentary layers. Interpretation of very-high-resolution seismic data, sedimentological analyses and geotechnical measurements acquired from the Eastern Niger Submarine Delta reveal that Type-2 pockmarks are associated to the presence at depth of a conical body of massive gas hydrates. Based on acquired data, theoretical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pockmarks; Gas hydrates; VHR seismic data; Piezocone; Numerical modelling; Niger Delta.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Investigation of a possible submarine landslide at the Var delta front (Nice continental slope, southeast France) ArchiMer
Sultan, Nabil; Savoye, Bruno; Jouet, Gwenael; Leynaud, Didier; Cochonat, Pierre; Henry, P.; Stegmann, Sylvia; Kopf, Achim.
The Var prodelta progrades across a straight, narrow shelf (less than 2 km wide) with a very steep continental slope reaching locally more than 30 degrees. Historically, the Var delta front is sadly famous for the 1979 catastrophic submarine landslide that resulted in several casualties and infrastructural damage. Geotechnical and geophysical investigations carried out in late 2007 to the east of the 1979 landslide scar provide evidence for the possible occurrence of a new important sedimentary collapse and submarine landslide. Geophysical data acquired in the area show the presence of several seafloor morphological steps rooted to shallow subsurface seismic reflections. Moreover, in situ piezocone measurements demonstrate the presence of several shear...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CPTu; Gassy soil; Piezocone; Shear zone; Submarine landslides.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Detection of free gas and gas hydrate based on 3D seismic data and cone penetration testing: An example from the Nigerian Continental Slope ArchiMer
Sultan, Nabil; Voisset, Michel; Marsset, Tania; Vernant, Antoine-mathieu; Cauquil, E; Colliat, J; Curinier, V.
We present a new method to characterize free gas, gas hydrates and carbonate concretions occurrence which are considered as high-risk factors for sub-sea developments in the Niger delta. This method is based on the combination of 3D seismic data to the geotechnical site characterizations using piezocone CPTU tests (Cone Penetration Test with additional measurement of the pore water pressure). A special processing of the 3D seismic data has enabled the determination of the interval compressional velocity. Using the effective-medium theory, velocity anomalies (negative and positive) within the first 15 m were translated in gas hydrate and free gas distribution. The calibration of the P wave velocity anomalies was done thanks to in-situ geotechnical testing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Piezocone; Niger delta; Gas hydrate; Free gas; Effective medium theory.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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