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Efficacy of plant extracts for anthracnose control in bell pepper fruits under controlled conditions Horticultura Brasileira
Alves,Kézia F; Laranjeira,Delson; Câmara,Marcos PS; Câmara,Cláudio AG; Michereff,Sami J.
Anthracnose is an important disease of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) in Brazil and worldwide. This research investigated the efficacy of plant extracts for control of this disease in bell pepper fruits caused by Colletotrichum acutatum under controlled conditions and analyzed the best treatments in relation to different extract and inoculum concentrations, pathogen isolates, and temperatures. In the preliminary screening, among aqueous or ethanolic extracts of 16 plant species evaluated, the best were 6% aqueous garlic, mallow, and ginger extracts, which reduced disease severity by more than 97%. Garlic extract required the highest concentrations to reduce severity by 75% (CL75) when compared to ginger and mallow extracts, but exhibited the best efficacy...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Capsicum annuum; Colletotrichum acutatum; Plant disease control; Garlic extract.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema de desinfestação de solo com uso direto de energia solar. Infoteca-e
O objetivo do trabalho foi desenvolver um equipamento para tratamento térmico de solo, utilizando-se como fonte de calor a radiação solar. O equipamento desenvolvido consiste, basicamente, de canaletas de chapa de alumínio ou de ferro galvanizado com revestimento térmico de vidro e cobertura de plástico transparente. O coletor solar e capaz de concentrar o calor obtendo-se temperaturas a níveis de desinfestar as misturas de solos utilizadas em sementeiras e viveiros de plantas. Nos testes preliminares ficou demonstrado que ocorreu desinfestação de solo artificialmente infestado com Rhizoctonia sp, Sclerotium sp, Sclerotium rolfsii e Fusarium oxysporum.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Solarização; Plant disease control; Coletor solar; Solo; Desinfestação; Radiação solar; Doença de planta; Controle biológico; Controle físico; Energia Solar; Solar collectors; Soil solarization.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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วิธีการใช้ Streptomyces-PR87 ในการส่งเสริมการเจริญเติบโตของมะเขือเทศ Thai Agricultural
Assiri Klangsawad; Petcharat Thummabenjapone.
Using plant growth promoting microbes is an alternative approach for reducing cost and enhancing good health of crop plants. This research aims to establish the application protocol for enhance growth of tomato at seedling and transplanting stages by antagonistic Streptomyces-PR87 which will be applied further to farmer. The experiments were carried out using two varieties of tomato, e.g. var.Sida and var.Tomato32. In seedling stage, the experiments were carried out in combinations with Streptomyces-PR87 concentration at OD600=0.2, 1 and 5 and drenching interval at 3, 5 or 7 days, and seed soaking for 24 hours before sowing or directly drenching after seed sowing methods. The results showed that the most appropriated method for enhance growth and...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Organic tomato; Microorganism; Biofertilizer; Actinomycetes; Growth promote; Bioregulators; Plant disease control; Germination; Streptomyces-PR87; มะเขือเทศ; เชื้อจุลินทรีย์; การส่งเสริมการเจริญเติบโต; ปุ๋ยชีวภาพ; แอคติโนมัยซีส; เชื้อแบคทีเรียปฏิปักษ์; สารควบคุมการเจริญเติบโต; การควบคุมโรค; การงอก; ความยาวของราก; ความสูงของลำต้น; การปลูกพืชอินทรีย์.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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ผลของแบคทีเรีย Bacillus licheniformis BFP011 ในการยับยั้งเชื้อรา Colletotrichum capsici สาเหตุโรคแอนแทรคโนสของพริก Thai Agricultural
Pattamawan Maneesuwan; Pisan Sirithorn.
Capability of 11 isolates of Bacillus spp. previously reported as antagonistic against some plant pathogens was tested. This is to inhibit the growth of four isolates of Colletotrichum capsici isolated from stalk, leaf, fruit and 158 ci/KU, by employing Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 11 treatments with 4 replications. The results showed that B. licheniformis BFP011 exhibited the most promising inhibition. Similarly, the evaporated crude extract produced by B. licheniformis BFP011 was able to inhibit greatly growth of C. capsici. When mycelium and spores of C. capsici were immersed in cell suspension at 1x108 cfu/ml and the evaporated crude extract at 1,000 mg/ml of B. licheniformis BFP011 for 24 hours. It is obvious that abnormal hypha...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Pepper; Anthracnose; Plant diseases; Fungi; Colletotrichum capsici; Fungus control; Plant disease control; Bacillus licheniformis; BFP011; Cell suspension; Crude extract; Disease severity; พริก; โรคแอนแทรคโนส; โรคพืช; เชื้อรา; การควบคุมโรค; จุลินทรีย์ปฏิปักษ์; เชื้อแบคทีเรีย; สารสกัดหยาบ; เซลล์แขวนลอย; โรคกุ้งแห้ง.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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การใช้เซลล์แขวนลอยและสารสกัดหยาบของแบคทีเรีย Bacillus licheniformis BFP011 ในการควบคุมโรคแอนแทรคโนสบนผลพริก Thai Agricultural
Pattamawan Maneesuwan; Pisan Sirithorn.
The five concentrations of cell suspension of Bacillus licheniformis BFP011 each applied to reduce the disease symptom caused by Colletotrichum capsici using the detached fruit technique with Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The statistical analysis indicated that inoculation of cell suspension prior to inoculation of C. capsici gave more disease severity reduction than inoculation of C. capsici prior to inoculation of cell suspension. The optimal concentration that reduced disease severity; without adverse effect was at 1x104-1x105 cfu/ml prior to inoculation of C. capsici for 24 hours as disease severity was reduced by 35.8% and 34.8%, respectively. The cell suspension at the concentrations between 1x106 to 1x108 cfu/ml induced fruit rot to 10-50%....
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Pepper; Anthracnose; Plant diseases; Fungi; Colletotrichum capsici; Fungus control; Plant disease control; Bacillus licheniformis; BFP011; Cell suspension; Crude extract; Disease severity; พริก; โรคแอนแทรคโนส; โรคพืช; เชื้อรา; การควบคุมโรค; จุลินทรีย์ปฏิปักษ์; เชื้อแบคทีเรีย; สารสกัดหยาบ; เซลล์แขวนลอย.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Murcha de Fusarium em tomateiro. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Artigo na mídia Palavras-chave: Plant disease control; Solanum lycopersicon; Tomate; Murcha de Fusarium; Fungo; Profilaxia; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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ศักยภาพของเชื้อ Streptomyces-PR87 ปฏิปักษ์ และวิธีการใช้สำหรับควบคุมไส้เดือนฝอยรากปม (Meloidogyne incognita) ในสภาพโรงเรือนปลูกพืชทดลอง Thai Agricultural
Rattikan Yutthasin; Petcharat Thummabenjapone; Anan Hiransalee.
The root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) caused root knot disease of several economic crops. This research aims to evaluate the potential of antagonistic Streptomyces-PR87 to control root knot nematode under laboratory condition and determines the suitable application to tomato root knot disease on under green house condition. The results showed that the culture filtrate of Streptomyces-PR87 obtained from 7 days old culture in Arginine glycerol mineral salt broth at concentration of 50, 75 and 100% significantly inhibited egg hatching of M. incognita at average of the number of second-stage juvenile (J2) larvae per 5 egg masses with 37.67, 6.67 and 3.33 larvae of J2 per 5 egg masses, respectively compared of 136.33 J2 from 5 egg masses in distilled...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Tomato; Tomato nematode; Root-knot nematode; Actinomycetes; Streptomyces-PR87; Microorganism; Biocontrol; Plant disease control; Pest control methods; มะเขือเทศ; ไส้เดือนฝอยรากปม; โรครากปม; แอคติโนมัยซีส; เชื้อจุลินทรีย์; เชื้อแบคทีเรียปฏิปักษ์; การควบคุมศัตรูพืช; การควบคุมโรค; การควบคุมโดยชีววิธี.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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