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Natural biofertilizers for organic agriculture: productivity and nutrient uptake of Medicago sativa inoculated with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Organic Eprints
Avio, Dr. Luciano; Pellegrino, Dr. Elisa; Bonari, Prof. Enrico; Giovannetti, Prof. Manuela.
Arbuscular mycorrhizas are symbiotic associations that play a key role in plant nutrition by absorbing and translocating mineral nutrients from soil to host plants. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, which are considered natural biofertilizers, show diverse levels of performance, depending on the ability of different isolates to promote plant growth and health. Here we investigated the performance of geographically different isolates of two fungal species, Glomus mosseae and G. intraradices, by assessing plant growth responses and P and N uptake in Medicago sativa, in order to select the most efficient fungi for this host plant. The four selected Glomus isolates significantly increased shoot dry weights and shoot N and P content of mycorrhizal plants, but their...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Gesunder Boden - gesunde Pflanzen Organic Eprints
Berner, Alfred; Gloor, S.; Fuchs, Jacques G.; Tamm, Lucius; Mäder, Paul.
Obwohl viele ältere Biobetriebe kleinere Nährstoffgehalte im Boden aufwiesen, waren diese noch nicht ertragsbegrenzend. Die abnehmenden Nährstoffgehalte im Boden und den Pflanzen zeigen, dass regelmässige Bodenanalysen auf dem Biobetrieb nötig sind. Die Suppressivität der Böden hing nicht direkt von den Biojahren ab. Durch die Gestaltung der Fruchtfolge und den Hofdüngereinsatz lässt sie sich aber steigern. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Bewirtschaftung Bodeneigenschaften und der Suppressivität muss genauer untersucht werden.
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring Nutrient turnover Soil quality Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Biological control of cucumber and sugar beet damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum with bacterial and fungal antagonists Organic Eprints
Georgakopoulos, D. G.; Fiddaman, P.; Leifert, C.; Malathrakis, N. E..
Aims: Five bacterial strains belonging to Bacillus subtilis , Pseudomonas fluorescens and Ps . corrugata and two fungal strains belonging to Trichoderma viride and Gliocladium virens were evaluated for their efficacy in controlling sugar beet and cucumber damping-off caused by Pythium ultimum . Methods and Results: The in vitro antagonistic activity of bacteria against various Pythium spp. was evaluated with dual cultures in various media. Pseudomonas strains inhibited the pathogen better than Bacillus strains. To identify potentially useful antagonist combinations, dual compatibility of antagonists was also evaluated, based on growth in two liquid media containing substrate previously used by other antagonists. Four pairs of bacteria were selected. Sugar...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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A Comparison of Plant and Animal Based Fertiliser for the Production of Organic Vegetable Transplants Organic Eprints
Koller, Martin; Alföldi, Thomas; Siegrist, S.; Weibel, Franco.
In Switzerland, transplants for organic vegetable growing have been fertilised traditionally with slaughterhouse by-products. In autumn 2000, the Swiss government restricted the use of such products because of the BSE crisis. To maintain the production of organic transplants, alternative fertilisers needed to be tested. Eleven alternatives to horn powder (standard fertiliser) were selected based on the organic standards of the European Union, including feather powder (as an animal based product without BSE risk). The products were mixed with a standard growing media for organic transplants in a concentration of 300 mg nitrogen L-1 growing media. Different experiments where set up with head lettuce (Lactuca sativa), Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa var....
Tipo: Book chapter Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover Soil quality Vegetables Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Soil porosity as a habitat for microorganisms Organic Eprints
Schjønning, P.; Thomsen, I.K.; Christensen, B.T..
The soil pore system has to be characterized quantitatively in order to describe the soil as a habitat for microorganisms. Soil pore morphology as determined by soil structure may be as important as the size distribution for the transport of gases and nutrients. This study adresses the physical properties of differently textured soils in undisturbed and remoulded state and their effect on microbial activity. Bulk soil was retrieved from 0-20 cm depth at six locations along a textural gradient in an arable field in Denmark. The samples ranged in clay content from 11 to 45%. The soils were crushed in air dry state, mixed, re-moistened, and exposed to a 9 month period of structure regeneration. Following application of 14C-labelled organic residues, the...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Soil quality Biodiversity and ecosystem services Soil tillage Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Influence of inoculum density of the antagonistic bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas corrugata on sugar beet seedling colonisation and suppression of Pythium damping off Organic Eprints
Schmidt, C. S.,; Agostini, F.,; Leifert, C.,; Killham, K.,; Mullins, C. E.,.
The effect of initial inoculum density of the antagonistic bacterial strains Pseudomonas fluorescens 135 and Pseudomonas corrugata 2140 (10(3) to 10(8) CFU per seed pellet) on sugar beet seedling colonisation, in situ bioluminescence and antagonistic activity towards Pythium ultimum was investigated. Populations of the bacteria colonising sugar beet root systems approached an apparent carrying capacity of 10(5) to 10(6) CFU per plant after 12 d growth, irrespective of inoculum density. This meant an up to 320-fold population increase at low inoculum densities and a decrease at high densities. Population densities of both bacteria and their corresponding in situ bioluminescence (resulting from luciferase enzyme expression from the inserted luxAB genes)...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Influence of soil type and pH on the colonisation of sugar beet seedlings by antagonistic Pseudomonas and Bacillus strains, and on their control of Pythium damping-off Organic Eprints
Schmidt, C. S.; Agostini, F.; Simon, A. M.; Whyte, J.; Townend, J.; Leifert, C.; Killham, K.; Mullins, C..
In five different soils originating from Scotland (Craibstone and Cruden Bay), Germany ( Magdeburg and Uelzen) and Greece (Tymbaki), Pseudomonas fluorescens B5 reached higher population sizes (4.7-5.7 log CFU/plant) on 12-day-old sugar beet seedlings than Bacillus subtilis MBI 600 (4.1 - 4.8 log CFU/ plant). Total population size per plant was not affected by soil type. In all five soils, the antagonists reached highest population densities in the hypocotyl and the upper 2 cm root section (P. fluorescens B5: 5.2-6.8 log(10) CFU/g plant fresh weight, Bacillus subtilis MBI 600: 5.2 - 6.1 log(10) CFU/g plant fresh weight) and declined to 0 - 3 log(10) CFU below 4 cm root depth. Colonisation by P. fluorescens B5 down the root was slightly increased in the...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Vorbereitung einer Feldstudie zur Erfassung der Kupfergehalte von Böden im Ökologischen Landbau und zu den Auswirkungen auf Regenwürmer Organic Eprints
Ohne kupferhaltige Pflanzenschutzmittel ist derzeit kein Ökologischer Landbau von Wein, Hopfen und Kernobst möglich. Aus Literaturdaten über die Auswirkungen von kupferhaltigen PSM und Einträgen aus anderen kupferhaltigen Quellen in der Landwirtschaft auf Bodenorganismen lässt sich ableiten, dass Kupfer bei langjähriger Anwendung schädigend auf viele Arten von Bodenorganismen wirken kann. Ein valider Wert zur Festlegung eines Schwellenwertes oberhalb dessen mit unvertretbaren Auswirkungen auf das Bodenleben zu rechnen wäre, liegt nach dem derzeitigen Erkenntnisstand nicht vor, da bei einer Risikobetrachtung weitere Einflussgrößen wie z.B. Standortbedingungen, Bewirtschaftungsweise (Begrünung, Mulchen) und Pflanzenschutzintensität zu berücksichtigen sind....
Tipo: Project description Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Soil biology.
Ano: 2010
Registros recuperados: 8
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