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Evidence of donor effect on cultured pearl quality from a duplicated grafting experiment on Pinctada margaritifera using wild donors 5
Tayale, Alexandre; Gueguen, Yannick; Treguier, Cathy; Le Grand, Jacqueline; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Montagnani, Caroline; Ky, Chin-long.
Producing high quality cultured black pearls from Pinctada margaritifera is one of the major challenges for the "pearl oyster" industry in French Polynesia. In order to assess donor effect on cultured pearl quality, wild Pinctada margaritifera originating from the Tuamotu Archipelago were used in a duplicated grafting experiment. After 12 months of culture, nucleus retention was assessed and seven pearl quality traits recorded on the 454 cultured pearls harvested from the experiment. The traits scored were nacre thickness and pearl weight, surface defects, lustre, grade, and the colour components: 1) darkness of cultured pearl colour, and 2) visual perception of colour class (bodycolor and/or overtone). Our results demonstrate for the first time that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cultured pearl oyster; Pearl quality; Nacre; Donor mollusc; Genetic selection; Pteriidae; Blacklip pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; French Polynesia.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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A histological examination of grafting success in pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in French Polynesia 5
Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Montagnani, Caroline; Saulnier, Denis; Fougerouse, Angelique; Levy, Peva; Lo, Cedrik.
Pearl oyster grafting is a complex surgical operation that should lead to pearl formation after approximately eighteen months. Although this technique has been used for many years in French Polynesia, the grafting process is still not standardised. While studies have been carried out in order to improve graft performance and yield, these remain highly variable due to post-grafting mortality, nucleus rejection and unreliable pearl quality, all of which constrain pearl farm profitability. The present study uses histological analysis to monitor oysters that either rejected or retained their nuclei. Both groups of oysters are compared in terms of evolution of the graft, which could influence retention, and the development of a pearl sac in cases where grafting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Grafting process; Pearl formation; Pearl oyster; Pteriidae; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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