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Dynamique du carbone et des nutriments dans la zone côtière Baie de l’Aiguillon-Pertuis Breton et influence des apports terrestres du bassin versant du Marais poitevin 5
Lannuzel, Reva.
Coastal zones represent key systems in biogeochemical cycle couplings between continents, oceans and the atmosphere transporting considerable amounts of matter, energy and nutrients (C, N, P et Si) from land to sea. Despite its relatively modest surface area (7 % of the global ocean surface), this zone accounts for 14–30 % of all oceanic primary production. The present study deals with nutrients and carbon dynamics during a full hydrologic cycle in 2017 over the terrestrial-aquatic continuum formed by the Poitevin Marsh-Aiguillon Bay- Breton Sound to better understand terrestrial export influence on the coastal zone. Carbon and nutrient concentrations were sampled twice a month over heterogeneous sites (estuaries, channels and coastal sites) to integrate...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone côtière; Biogéochimie; Carbone; Nutriments; Chlorophylle a; Limitation potentielle et réelle; Dynamique.; Coastal zone; Biogeochemistry; Carbon; Nutrients; Chlorophyll a; Real and potential limitation; Spatio-temporal dynamic..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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