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Structural assessment of a population of Anacardium humile subjected to fire during different periods of the year Acta Botanica
Sousa,Diego Guimarães de; Cunha,Hélida Ferreira da.
ABSTRACT Understanding how fire affects the plant biota of the Cerrado is essential for formulating conservational strategies. We evaluated the effects of fires during different periods of the year on the populational structure of Anacardium humile. The research was carried out in areas of typical cerrado stricto sensu in the territory of the Kalunga, state of Goiás, Brazil. These areas, which comprise the same population, were submitted to the following treatments: unburned (control), burned in May 2016 (early fire - EF), and burned in September 2016 (late fire - LF). In July 2018, we delimited two contiguous transects of 100 x 20 m, subdivided into 10 plots of 20 x 20 m, in each area. Fire stimulated the development of branches from basal regrowth in EF...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anacardiaceae; Burning; Cerrado; Fire; Impact; Regimes.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Response of North-Atlantic Ocean circulation to atmospheric weather regimes ArchiMer
Barrier, Nicolas; Cassou, Christophe; Deshayes, Julie; Treguier, Anne-marie.
A new framework is proposed for investigating the atmospheric forcing of North-Atlantic ocean circulation. Instead of using classical modes of variability, such as the North-Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or the East-Atlantic Pattern, we here use the weather regimes paradigm. Using this framework we avoid problems associated with the assumptions of orthogonality and symmetry that are particular to modal analysis and known to be unsuitable for the NAO. Using ocean-only historical and sensitivity experiments, we investigate the impacts of the four winter weather regimes on horizontal and overturning circulations. Our results suggest that the Atlantic Ridge (AR), NAO− and NAO+ regimes induce a fast (monthly to interannual timescales) adjustment of the gyres via...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation; Dynamics; Meridional overturning circulation; Atm; Ocean Structure; Phenomena; Gyres; North Atlantic Oscillation; Wind; Physical Meteorology and Climatology; Climate classification; Regimes; Models and modeling; Ocean models.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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